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Shared MLs Reference Material
acc (Accent)
accPr (Accent Properties)
aln (Alignment)
alnScr (Align Scripts)
argPr (Argument Properties)
argSz (Argument Size)
bar (Bar)
barPr (Bar Properties)
baseJc (Matrix Base Justification)
begChr (Delimiter Beginning Character)
borderBox (Border-Box Function)
borderBoxPr (Border Box Properties)
box (Box Function)
boxPr (Box Properties)
brk (Break)
brkBin (Break on Binary Operators)
brkBinSub (Break on Binary Subtraction)
cGp (Matrix Column Gap)
cGpRule (Matrix Column Gap Rule)
chr (Accent Character)
count (Matrix Column Count)
cSp (Matrix Column Spacing)
ctrlPr (Control Properties)
d (Delimiter Function)
defJc (Default Justification)
deg (Degree)
degHide (Hide Degree)
den (Denominator)
diff (Differential)
dispDef (Use Display Math Defaults)
dPr (Delimiter Properties)
e (Base (Argument))
endChr (Delimiter Ending Character)
eqArr (Equation-Array Function)
eqArrPr (Equation Array Properties)
f (Fraction Function)
fName (Function Name)
fPr (Fraction Properties)
func (Function Apply Function)
funcPr (Function Properties)
groupChr (Group-Character Function)
groupChrPr (Group-Character Properties)
grow (n-ary Grow)
hideBot (Hide Bottom Edge)
hideLeft (Hide Left Edge)
hideRight (Hide Right Edge)
hideTop (Hide Top Edge)
interSp (Inter-Equation Spacing)
intLim (Integral Limit Locations)
intraSp (Intra-Equation Spacing)
jc (Justification)
lim (Limit (Lower))
limLoc (n-ary Limit Location)
limLow (Lower-Limit Function)
limLowPr (Lower Limit Properties)
limUpp (Upper-Limit Function)
limUppPr (Upper Limit Properties)
lit (Literal)
lMargin (Left Margin)
m (Matrix Function)
mathFont (Math Font)
mathPr (Math Properties)
maxDist (Maximum Distribution)
mc (Matrix Column)
mcJc (Matrix Column Justification)
mcPr (Matrix Column Properties)
mcs (Matrix Columns)
mPr (Matrix Properties)
mr (Matrix Row)
nary (n-ary Operator Function)
naryLim (n-ary Limit Location)
naryPr (n-ary Properties)
noBreak (No Break)
nor (Normal Text)
num (Numerator)
objDist (Object Distribution)
oMath (Office Math)
oMathPara (Math Paragraph)
oMathParaPr (Office Math Paragraph Properties)
opEmu (Operator Emulator)
phant (Phantom Function)
phantPr (Phantom Properties)
plcHide (Hide Placeholders (Matrix))
pos (Position (Bar))
postSp (Post-Equation Spacing)
preSp (Pre-Equation Spacing)
r (Run)
rad (Radical Function)
radPr (Radical Properties)
rMargin (Right Margin)
rPr (Run Properties)
rSp (Row Spacing (Equation Array))
rSpRule (Row Spacing Rule)
scr (Script)
sepChr (Delimiter Separator Character)
show (Phantom Show)
shp (Shape (Delimiters))
smallFrac (Small Fraction)
sPre (Pre-Sub-Superscript Function)
sPrePr (Pre-Sub-Superscript Properties)
sSub (Subscript Function)
sSubPr (Subscript Properties)
sSubSup (Sub-Superscript Function)
sSubSupPr (Sub-Superscript Properties)
sSup (Superscript Function)
sSupPr (Superscript Properties)
strikeBLTR (Border Box Strikethrough Bottom-Left to Top-Right)
strikeH (Border Box Strikethrough Horizontal)
strikeTLBR (Border Box Strikethrough Top-Left to Bottom-Right)
strikeV (Border Box Strikethrough Vertical)
sty (style)
sub (Subscript (Pre-Sub-Superscript))
subHide (Hide Subscript (n-ary))
sup (Superscript (Superscript function))
supHide (Hide Superscript (n-ary))
t (Text)
transp (Transparent (Phantom))
type (Fraction type)
vertJc (Vertical Justification)
wrapIndent (Wrap Indent)
wrapRight (Wrap Right)
zeroAsc (Phantom Zero Ascent)
zeroDesc (Phantom Zero Descent)
zeroWid (Phantom Zero Width)
Simple Types
ST_BreakBin (Break Binary Operators)
ST_BreakBinSub (Break on Binary Subtraction)
ST_Char (Character)
ST_FType (Fraction Type)
ST_Integer2 (Integer value (-2 to 2))
ST_Integer255 (Integer value (1 to 255))
ST_Jc (Justification)
ST_LimLoc (Limit Location)
ST_OnOff (On Off)
ST_Script (Script)
ST_Shp (Shape (Delimiters))
ST_SpacingRule (Spacing Rule)
ST_String (String)
ST_Style (Style)
ST_TopBot (Top-Bottom)
ST_TwipsMeasure (Twips measurement)
ST_UnSignedInteger (Unsigned integer.)
ST_XAlign (Horizontal Alignment)
ST_YAlign (Vertical Alignment)
Extended Properties
Application (Application Name)
AppVersion (Application Version)
Characters (Total Number of Characters)
CharactersWithSpaces (Number of Characters (With Spaces))
Company (Name of Company)
DigSig (Digital Signature)
DocSecurity (Document Security)
HeadingPairs (Heading Pairs)
HiddenSlides (Number of Hidden Slides)
HLinks (Hyperlink List)
HyperlinkBase (Relative Hyperlink Base)
HyperlinksChanged (Hyperlinks Changed)
Lines (Number of Lines)
LinksUpToDate (Links Up-to-Date)
Manager (Name of Manager)
MMClips (Total Number of Multimedia Clips)
Notes (Number of Slides Containing Notes)
Pages (Total Number of Pages)
Paragraphs (Total Number of Paragraphs)
PresentationFormat (Intended Format of Presentation)
Properties (Application Specific File Properties)
ScaleCrop (Thumbnail Display Mode)
SharedDoc (Shared Document)
Slides (Slides Metadata Element)
Template (Name of Document Template)
TitlesOfParts (Part Titles)
TotalTime (Total Edit Time Metadata Element)
Words (Word Count)
Custom Properties
Properties (Custom File Properties)
property (Custom File Property)
Variant Types
array (Array)
blob (Binary Blob)
bool (Boolean)
bstr (Basic String)
cf (Clipboard Data)
clsid (Class ID)
cy (Currency)
date (Date and Time)
decimal (Decimal)
empty (Empty)
error (Error Status Code)
filetime (File Time)
i1 (1-Byte Signed Integer)
i2 (2-Byte Signed Integer)
i4 (4-Byte Signed Integer)
i8 (8-Byte Signed Integer)
int (Integer)
lpstr (LPSTR)
lpwstr (LPWSTR)
null (Null)
oblob (Binary Blob Object)
ostorage (Binary Storage Object)
ostream (Binary Stream Object)
r4 (4-Byte Real Number)
r8 (8-Byte Real Number)
storage (Binary Storage)
stream (Binary Stream)
ui1 (1-Byte Unsigned Integer)
ui2 (2-Byte Unsigned Integer)
ui4 (4-Byte Unsigned Integer)
ui8 (8-Byte Unsigned Integer)
uint (Unsigned Integer)
variant (Variant)
vector (Vector)
vstream (Binary Versioned Stream)
Simple Types
ST_ArrayBaseType (Array Base Type Simple Type)
ST_Clsid (Class ID Simple Type)
ST_Cy (Currency Simple Type)
ST_Error (Error Status Code Simple Type)
ST_Format (Format Simple Type)
ST_VectorBaseType (Vector Base Type Simple Type)
Custom XML Data Properties
datastoreItem (Custom XML Data Properties)
schemaRef (Associated XML Schema)
schemaRefs (Set of Associated XML Schemas)
Simple Types
ST_Guid (128-Bit GUID Value)
AbbreviatedCaseNumber (Abbreviated Case Number)
AlbumTitle (Album Title)
Artist (Artist)
Author (Author)
Author (Contributors List)
BookAuthor (Book Author)
BookTitle (Book Title)
Broadcaster (Broadcaster)
BroadcastTitle (Broadcast Title)
CaseNumber (Case Number)
ChapterNumber (Chapter Number)
City (City)
Comments (Comments)
Compiler (Compiler)
Composer (Composer)
Conductor (Conductor)
ConferenceName (Conference or Proceedings Name)
Corporate (Corporate Author)
Counsel (Counsel)
CountryRegion (Country or Region)
Court (Court)
Day (Day)
DayAccessed (Day Accessed)
Department (Department)
Director (Director)
Distributor (Distributor)
Edition (Editor)
Editor (Editor)
First (Person's First, or Given, Name)
Guid (GUID)
Institution (Institution)
InternetSiteTitle (Internet Site Title)
Interviewee (Interviewee)
Interviewer (Interviewer)
Inventor (Inventor)
Issue (Issue)
JournalName (Journal Name)
Last (Person's Last, or Family, Name)
LCID (Locale ID)
Medium (Medium)
Middle (Person's Middle, or Other, Name)
Month (Month)
MonthAccessed (Month Accessed)
NameList (Name List)
NumberVolumes (Number of Volumes)
Pages (Pages)
PatentNumber (Patent Number)
Performer (Performer)
PeriodicalTitle (Periodical Title)
Person (Person)
ProducerName (Producer Name)
ProductionCompany (Production Company)
PublicationTitle (Publication Title)
Publisher (Publisher)
RecordingNumber (Recording Number)
RefOrder (Reference Order)
Reporter (Reporter)
ShortTitle (Short Title)
Source (Source)
Sources (Sources)
SourceType (Source Type)
StandardNumber (Standard Number)
StateProvince (State or Province)
Station (Station)
Tag (Tag)
Theater (Theater)
ThesisType (Thesis Type)
Title (Title)
Translator (Translator)
Type (Type)
Version (Version)
Volume (Volume)
Writer (Writer)
Year (Year)
YearAccessed (Year Accessed)
Simple Types
ST_SourceType (Bibliographic Data Source Types)
ST_String255 (String Value)
Additional Characteristics
additionalCharacteristics (Set of Additional Characteristics)
characteristic (Single Characteristic)
Simple Types
ST_Relation (Characteristic Relationship Types)
Office Document Relationships
Simple Types
ST_RelationshipId (Explicit Relationship ID)