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Shared MLs Reference Material - Math

r (Run)

This element specifies a run of math text.

Parent Elements

deg7.1.2.26); del2.13.5.12); den7.1.2.28); e7.1.2.32); fName7.1.2.37); ins2.13.5.20); lim7.1.2.52); moveFrom2.13.5.21); moveTo2.13.5.26); num7.1.2.75); oMath7.1.2.77); sub7.1.2.112); sup7.1.2.114)


Child Elements


annotationRef (Comment Information Block)


br (Break)


commentReference (Comment Content Reference Mark)


continuationSeparator (Continuation Separator Mark)


cr (Carriage Return)


dayLong (Date Block - Long Day Format)


dayShort (Date Block - Short Day Format)


delInstrText (Deleted Field Code)


delText (Deleted Text)


drawing (DrawingML Object)


endnoteRef (Endnote Reference Mark)


endnoteReference (Endnote Reference)


fldChar (Complex Field Character)


footnoteRef (Footnote Reference Mark)


footnoteReference (Footnote Reference)


instrText (Field Code)


lastRenderedPageBreak (Position of Last Calculated Page Break)


monthLong (Date Block - Long Month Format)


monthShort (Date Block - Short Month Format)


noBreakHyphen (Non Breaking Hyphen Character)


object (Inline Embedded Object)


pgNum (Page Number Block)


pict (VML Object)


ptab (Absolute Position Tab Character)


rPr (Run Properties)


rPr (Run Properties)


ruby (Phonetic Guide)


separator (Footnote/Endnote Separator Mark)


softHyphen (Optional Hyphen Character)


sym (Symbol Character)


t (Text)


t (Text)


tab (Tab Character)


yearLong (Date Block - Long Year Format)


yearShort (Date Block - Short Year Format)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_R">


   <element name="rPr" type="CT_RPR" minOccurs="0"/>

   <group ref="w:EG_RPr" minOccurs="0"/>

   <choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

   <group ref="w:EG_RunInnerContent"/>

   <element name="t" type="CT_Text" minOccurs="0"/>


