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Shared MLs Reference Material - Math

ST_BreakBinSub (Break on Binary Subtraction)

This simple type specifies how to represent subtraction on both sides of a line-wrapping break, when the Break Binary Operators option is set to repeat. The first character represents the sign at the end of the line with the break; the second represents the sign at the start of the wrapped line. Options are --, -+, and +-.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


-- (Minus Minus)

Repetition of subtraction sign after a line-wrapping break is minus on the first and second lines.


-+ (Minus Plus)

Repetition of subtraction sign after a line-wrapping break is minus on the first line and plus on the second line.


+- (Plus Minus)

Repetition of subtraction sign after a line-wrapping break is plus on the first line and minus on the second line.



Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_BreakBinSub">

   <restriction base="xsd:string">

   <enumeration value="--"/>

   <enumeration value="-+"/>

   <enumeration value="+-"/>

