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PresentationML Reference Material
custData (Customer Data)
custShow (Custom Show)
ext (Extension)
extLst (Extension List with Modification Flag)
extLst (Extension List)
sld (Presentation Slide)
sldAll (All Slides)
sldRg (Slide Range)
tags (Customer Data Tags)
Presentation Properties
bold (Bold Embedded Font)
boldItalic (Bold Italic Embedded Font)
browse (Browse Slide Show Mode)
clrMru (Color MRU)
custShow (Custom Show)
custShowLst (List of Custom Shows)
defaultTextStyle (Presentation Default Text Style)
embeddedFont (Embedded Font)
embeddedFontLst (Embedded Font List)
font (Embedded Font Name)
handoutMasterId (Handout Master ID)
handoutMasterIdLst (List of Handout Master IDs)
htmlPubPr (HTML Publishing Properties)
italic (Italic Embedded Font)
kinsoku (Kinsoku Settings)
kiosk (Kiosk Slide Show Mode)
modifyVerifier (Modification Verifier)
notesMasterId (Notes Master ID)
notesMasterIdLst (List of Notes Master IDs)
notesSz (Notes Slide Size)
penClr (Pen Color for Slide Show)
photoAlbum (Photo Album Information)
present (Presenter Slide Show Mode)
presentation (Presentation)
presentationPr (Presentation-wide Properties)
prnPr (Printing Properties)
regular (Regular Embedded Font)
showPr (Presentation-wide Show Properties)
sldId (Slide ID)
sldIdLst (List of Slide IDs)
sldLst (List of Presentation Slides)
sldMasterId (Slide Master ID)
sldMasterIdLst (List of Slide Master IDs)
sldSz (Presentation Slide Size)
smartTags (Smart Tags)
webPr (Web Properties)
View Properties
cSldViewPr (Common Slide View Properties)
cViewPr (Common View Properties)
gridSpacing (Grid Spacing)
guide (A Guide)
guideLst (List of Guides)
normalViewPr (Normal View Properties)
notesTextViewPr (Notes Text View Properties)
notesViewPr (Notes View Properties)
origin (View Origin)
outlineViewPr (Outline View Properties)
restoredLeft (Normal View Restored Left Properties)
restoredTop (Normal View Restored Top Properties)
scale (View Scale)
sld (Presentation Slide)
sldLst (List of Presentation Slides)
slideViewPr (Slide View Properties)
sorterViewPr (Slide Sorter View Properties)
viewPr (Presentation-wide View Properties)
bg (Slide Background)
bgPr (Background Properties)
bgRef (Background Style Reference)
blipFill (Picture Fill)
bodyStyle (Slide Master Body Text Style)
clrMap (Color Scheme Map)
clrMapOvr (Color Scheme Map Override)
cNvCxnSpPr (Non-Visual Connector Shape Drawing Properties)
cNvGraphicFramePr (Non-Visual Graphic Frame Drawing Properties)
cNvGrpSpPr (Non-Visual Group Shape Drawing Properties)
cNvPicPr (Non-Visual Picture Drawing Properties)
cNvPr (Non-Visual Drawing Properties)
cNvSpPr (Non-Visual Drawing Properties for a Shape)
controls (List of controls)
cSld (Common Slide Data)
custDataLst (Customer Data List)
cxnSp (Connection Shape)
graphicFrame (Graphic Frame)
grpSp (Group Shape)
grpSpPr (Group Shape Properties)
handoutMaster (Handout Master)
hf (Header/Footer information for a slide master)
notes (Notes Slide)
notesMaster (Notes Master)
notesStyle (Notes Text Style)
nvCxnSpPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Connection Shape)
nvGraphicFramePr (Non-Visual Properties for a Graphic Frame)
nvGrpSpPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Group Shape)
nvPicPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Picture)
nvPr (Non-Visual Properties)
nvSpPr (Non-Visual Properties for a Shape)
otherStyle (Slide Master Other Text Style)
ph (Placeholder Shape)
pic (Picture)
sld (Presentation Slide)
sldLayout (Slide Layout)
sldLayoutId (Slide Layout Id)
sldLayoutIdLst (List of Slide Layouts)
sldMaster (Slide Master)
sp (Shape)
spPr (Shape Properties)
spTree (Shape Tree)
style (Shape Style)
timing (Slide Timing Information for a Slide Layout)
titleStyle (Slide Master Title Text Style)
transition (Slide Transition for a Slide Layout)
txBody (Shape Text Body)
txStyles (Slide Master Text Styles)
xfrm (2D Transform for Graphic Frame)
Embedded Objects
control (Embedded Control)
embed (Embedded Object or Control)
link (Linked Object or Control)
oleObj (Global Element for Embedded objects and Controls)
Programmable Tags
tag (Programmable Extensibility Tag)
tagLst (Programmable Tab List)
cm (Comment)
cmAuthor (Comment Author)
cmAuthorLst (List of Comment Authors)
cmLst (Comment List)
pos (Comment Position)
text (Comment's Text Content)
anim (Animate)
animClr (Animate Color Behavior)
animEffect (Animate Effect)
animMotion (Animate Motion)
animRot (Animate Rotation)
animScale (Animate Scale)
attrName (Attribute Name)
attrNameLst (Attribute Name List)
audio (Audio)
bg (Background)
bldAsOne (Build As One)
bldDgm (Build Diagram)
bldGraphic (Build Graphics)
bldLst (Build List)
bldOleChart (Build Embedded Chart)
bldP (Build Paragraph)
bldSub (Build Sub Elements)
blinds (Blinds Slide Transition)
boolVal (Boolean Variant)
by (By)
by (By)
cBhvr (Common Behavior)
charRg (Character Range)
checker (Checker Slide Transition)
childTnLst (Children Time Node List)
circle (Circle Slide Transition)
clrVal (Color Value)
cmd (Command)
cMediaNode (Common Media Node Properties)
comb (Comb Slide Transition)
cond (Condition)
cover (Cover Slide Transition)
cTn (Common Time Node Properties)
cut (Cut Slide Transition)
diamond (Diamond Slide Transition)
dissolve (Dissolve Slide Transition)
endCondLst (End Conditions List)
endSnd (Stop Sound Action)
endSync (EndSync)
excl (Exclusive)
fade (Fade Slide Transition)
fltVal (Float Value)
from (From)
from (From)
graphicEl (Graphic Element)
hsl (HSL)
inkTgt (Ink Target)
intVal (Integer)
iterate (Iterate)
newsflash (Newsflash Slide Transition)
nextCondLst (Next Conditions List)
oleChartEl (Embedded Chart Element)
par (Parallel Time Node)
plus (Plus Slide Transition)
prevCondLst (Previous Conditions List)
pRg (Paragraph Text Range)
progress (Progress)
pull (Pull Slide Transition)
push (Push Slide Transition)
random (Random Slide Transition)
randomBar (Random Bar Slide Transition)
rCtr (Rotation Center)
rgb (RGB)
rtn (Runtime Node Trigger Choice)
seq (Sequence Time Node)
set (Set Time Node Behavior)
sldTgt (Slide Target)
snd (Sound)
sndAc (Sound Action)
sndTgt (Sound Target)
split (Split Slide Transition)
spTgt (Shape Target)
stCondLst (Start Conditions List)
strips (Strips Slide Transition)
strVal (String Value)
stSnd (Start Sound Action)
subSp (Subshape)
subTnLst (Sub-TimeNodes List)
tav (Time Animate Value)
tavLst (Time Animated Value List)
tgtEl (Target Element)
tmAbs (Time Absolute)
tmPct (Time Percentage)
tmpl (Template Effects)
tmplLst (Template effects)
tn (Time Node)
tnLst (Time Node List)
to (To)
to (To)
to (To)
txEl (Text Element)
val (Value)
video (Video)
wedge (Wedge Slide Transition)
wheel (Wheel Slide Transition)
wipe (Wipe Slide Transition)
zoom (Zoom Slide Transition)
Slide Synchronization Data
sldSyncPr (Slide Synchronization Properties)
Simple Types
ST_AlgClass (Cryptographic Algorithm Classes)
ST_AlgType (Cryptographic Algorithm Type)
ST_BookmarkIdSeed (Bookmark ID Seed)
ST_CryptProv (Cryptographic Provider Type)
ST_Direction (Direction)
ST_HtmlPublishWebBrowserSupport (Web browsers supported for HTML output)
ST_Index (Index)
ST_IterateType (Iterate Type)
ST_Name (Name string)
ST_OleObjectFollowColorScheme (Embedded object to Follow Color Scheme)
ST_PhotoAlbumFrameShape (Photo Album Shape for Photo Mask)
ST_PhotoAlbumLayout (Photo Album Layout Definition)
ST_PlaceholderSize (Placeholder Size)
ST_PlaceholderType (Placeholder IDs)
ST_PrintColorMode (Print Color Mode)
ST_PrintWhat (Default print output)
ST_SlideId (Slide Identifier)
ST_SlideLayoutId (Slide Layout ID)
ST_SlideLayoutType (Slide Layout Type)
ST_SlideMasterId (Slide Master ID)
ST_SlideSizeCoordinate (Slide Size Coordinate)
ST_SlideSizeType (Slide Size Type)
ST_SplitterBarState (Splitter Bar State)
ST_TLAnimateBehaviorCalcMode (Time List Animate Behavior Calculate Mode)
ST_TLAnimateBehaviorValueType (Time List Animate Behavior Value Types)
ST_TLAnimateColorDirection (Time List Animate Color Direction)
ST_TLAnimateColorSpace (Time List Animate Color Space)
ST_TLAnimateEffectTransition (Time List Animate Effect Transition)
ST_TLAnimateMotionBehaviorOrigin (Time List Animate Motion Behavior Origin)
ST_TLAnimateMotionPathEditMode (Time List Animate Motion Path Edit Mode)
ST_TLBehaviorAccumulateType (Behavior Accumulate Type)
ST_TLBehaviorAdditiveType (Behavior Additive Type)
ST_TLBehaviorOverrideType (Behavior Override Type)
ST_TLBehaviorTransformType (Behavior Transform Type)
ST_TLChartSubelementType (Chart Subelement Type)
ST_TLCommandType (Command Type)
ST_TLDiagramBuildType (Diagram Build Types)
ST_TLNextActionType (Next Action Type)
ST_TLOleChartBuildType (Embedded Chart Build Type)
ST_TLParaBuildType (Paragraph Build Type)
ST_TLPreviousActionType (Previous Action Type)
ST_TLTime (Time)
ST_TLTimeAnimateValueTime (Animation Time)
ST_TLTimeIndefinite (Indefinite Time Declaration)
ST_TLTimeNodeFillType (Time Node Fill Type)
ST_TLTimeNodeID (Time Node ID)
ST_TLTimeNodeMasterRelation (Time Node Master Relation)
ST_TLTimeNodePresetClassType (Time Node Preset Class Type)
ST_TLTimeNodeRestartType (Time Node Restart Type)
ST_TLTimeNodeSyncType (Time Node Sync Type)
ST_TLTimeNodeType (Time Node Type)
ST_TLTriggerEvent (Trigger Event)
ST_TLTriggerRuntimeNode (Trigger RunTime Node)
ST_TransitionCornerDirectionType (Transition Corner Direction Type)
ST_TransitionEightDirectionType (Transition Eight Direction)
ST_TransitionInOutDirectionType (Transition In/Out Direction Type)
ST_TransitionSideDirectionType (Transition Slide Direction Type)
ST_TransitionSpeed (Transition Speed)
ST_ViewType (List of View Types)
ST_WebColorType (HTML Slide Navigation Control Colors)
ST_WebEncoding (Web Encoding)
ST_WebScreenSize (HTML/Web Screen Size Target)