[Table of Contents] [docx version]

PresentationML Reference Material - Table of Contents

ST_PlaceholderType (Placeholder IDs)

This simple type facilitates the storing of the type of content a placeholder should contain.

[Note: Some types are not valid for all types of SlideBase. End note]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


body (Body)

Contains body text. Valid for Slide, Slide Layout, Slide Master, Notes, Notes Master. Can be horizontal or vertical on Slide and Slide Layout.

chart (Chart)

Contains a chart or graph. Special type. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

clipArt (Clip Art)

Contains a single clip art image. Special type. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

ctrTitle (Centered Title)

Contains a title intended to be centered on the slide. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

dgm (Diagram)

Contains a diagram. Special type. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

dt (Date and Time)

Contains the date and time. Valid for Slide, Slide Layout, Slide Master, Notes, Notes Master, Handout Master

ftr (Footer)

Contains text to be used as a footer in the document. Valid for Slide, Slide Layout, Slide Master, Notes, Notes Master, Handout Master

hdr (Header)

Contains text to be used as a header for the document. Valid for Notes, Notes Master, Handout Master .

media (Media)

Contains multimedia content such as audio or a movie clip. Special type. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

obj (Object)

Contains any type of content. Special type. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

pic (Picture)

Contains a picture. Special type. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

sldImg (Slide Image)

Contains an image of the slide. Valid for Notes and Notes Master.

sldNum (Slide Number)

Contains the number of a slide. Valid for Slide, Slide Layout, Slide Master, Notes, Notes Master, Handout Master

subTitle (Subtitle)

Contains a subtitle. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

tbl (Table)

Contains a table. Special type. Valid for Slide and Slide Layout.

title (Title)

Contains a slide title. Valid for Slide, Slide Layout and Slide Master. Can be horizontal or vertical on Slide and Slide Layout.


Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_PlaceholderType">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="title"/>

   <enumeration value="body"/>

   <enumeration value="ctrTitle"/>

   <enumeration value="subTitle"/>

   <enumeration value="dt"/>

   <enumeration value="sldNum"/>

   <enumeration value="ftr"/>

   <enumeration value="hdr"/>

   <enumeration value="obj"/>

   <enumeration value="chart"/>

   <enumeration value="tbl"/>

   <enumeration value="clipArt"/>

   <enumeration value="dgm"/>

   <enumeration value="media"/>

   <enumeration value="sldImg"/>

   <enumeration value="pic"/>

