[Table of Contents] [docx version]

PresentationML Reference Material - Table of Contents

bldLst (Build List)

This element specifies the list of graphic elements to build. This refers to how the different sub-shapes or sub-components of a object are displayed. The different objects that can have build properties are text, diagrams, and charts.

[Example: Consider animating a pie chart but based on category as shown below:

The <bldList> element should be used as follows:


<p:bldGraphic spid="1" grpId="0">


<a:bldChart bld="category"/>




End example]

Parent Elements



Child Elements


bldDgm (Build Diagram)


bldGraphic (Build Graphics)


bldOleChart (Build Embedded Chart)


bldP (Build Paragraph)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_BuildList">

   <choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">

   <element name="bldP" type="CT_TLBuildParagraph"/>

   <element name="bldDgm" type="CT_TLBuildDiagram"/>

   <element name="bldOleChart" type="CT_TLOleBuildChart"/>

   <element name="bldGraphic" type="CT_TLGraphicalObjectBuild"/>

