[Table of Contents] [docx version]

PresentationML Reference Material - Table of Contents

showPr (Presentation-wide Show Properties)

This element functions as a parent element within which all presentation-wide show properties are contained. All properties and their corresponding settings are defined within the child elements.

Parent Elements



Child Elements


browse (Browse Slide Show Mode)


custShow (Custom Show)


extLst (Extension List)


kiosk (Kiosk Slide Show Mode)


penClr (Pen Color for Slide Show)


present (Presenter Slide Show Mode)


sldAll (All Slides)


sldRg (Slide Range)





loop (Loop Slide Show)

Specifies whether the slide show should be set to loop at the end.


The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

showAnimation (Show Animation in Slide Show)

Specifies whether slide show animation should be shown when presenting.


The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

showNarration (Show Narration in Slide Show)

Specifies whether slide show narration should be played when presenting.


The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

useTimings (Use Timings in Slide Show)

Specifies whether slide transition timings should be used to advance slides when presenting.


The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema boolean datatype.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_ShowProperties">

   <sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">

   <group ref="EG_ShowType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

   <group ref="EG_SlideListChoice" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

   <element name="penClr" type="a:CT_Color" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

   <element name="extLst" type="CT_ExtensionList" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>


   <attribute name="loop" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>

   <attribute name="showNarration" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/>

   <attribute name="showAnimation" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="true"/>

   <attribute name="useTimings" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="true"/>
