[Table of Contents] [docx version]
PresentationML Reference Material - Table of Contents
This element describes the several non-durational type of commands that can be executed within a timeline. This can be used to send events, call functions on elements, and send verbs to embedded objects. For example “Object Action” effects for Embedded objects and Media commands for sounds/movies such as "PlayFrom(0.0)" and "togglePause".
Parent Elements |
childTnLst (§4.6.25); subTnLst (§4.6.78); tnLst (§4.6.87) |
Child Elements |
Subclause |
cBhvr (Common Behavior) |
§4.6.22 |
Attributes |
Description |
cmd (Command) |
This is a string used to define the actual command. When an event is specified, in IE, the runtime will register the specific event and make sure that time conditions (begin/end/etc.) elsewhere on the page which listen for the event get hooked up correctly.
The possible values for this attribute are defined by the XML Schema string datatype. |
type (Command Type) |
This attribute is required and defines the type of command.
When the value is set to "event", the "cmd" attribute string is used to send out an event to the target element.
When the value is set to "call", the "cmd" string is used to call a method or function on the target element.
When the value is set to "verb", the "cmd" string is treated as an verb on the element.
When the value is set to "script", the cmd will be interpreted in the IE runtime as a string containing javascript statements. Note that this may cause a runtime script error if the script is invalid at the time it's called.
If the targetElement is not found, the command will not execute.
The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_TLCommandType simple type (§4.8.36). |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:
<complexType name="CT_TLCommandBehavior">
<element name="cBhvr" type="CT_TLCommonBehaviorData" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<attribute type="ST_TLCommandType" name="type" use="optional"/>
<attribute name="cmd" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>