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SpreadsheetML Reference Material
bookViews (Workbook Views)
calcPr (Calculation Properties)
customWorkbookView (Custom Workbook View)
customWorkbookViews (Custom Workbook Views)
definedName (Defined Name)
definedNames (Defined Names)
ext (Extension)
externalReference (External Reference)
externalReferences (External References)
extLst (Future Feature Data Storage Area)
fileRecoveryPr (File Recovery Properties)
fileSharing (File Sharing)
fileVersion (File Version)
functionGroup (Function Group)
functionGroups (Function Groups)
oleSize (Embedded Object Size)
pivotCache (PivotCache)
pivotCaches (PivotCaches)
sheet (Sheet Information)
sheets (Sheets)
smartTagPr (Smart Tag Properties)
smartTagType (Smart Tag Type)
smartTagTypes (Smart Tag Types)
webPublishing (Web Publishing Properties)
webPublishObject (Web Publishing Object)
webPublishObjects (Web Publish Objects)
workbook (Workbook)
workbookPr (Workbook Properties)
workbookProtection (Workbook Protection)
workbookView (Workbook View)
autoFilter (AutoFilter Settings)
brk (Break)
c (Cell)
cellSmartTag (Cell Smart Tag)
cellSmartTagPr (Smart Tag Properties)
cellSmartTags (Cell Smart Tags)
cellWatch (Cell Watch Item)
cellWatches (Cell Watch Items)
cfRule (Conditional Formatting Rule)
cfvo (Conditional Format Value Object)
chartsheet (Chart Sheet)
col (Column Width & Formatting)
colBreaks (Vertical Page Breaks)
color (Data Bar Color)
colorScale (Color Scale)
cols (Column Information)
conditionalFormatting (Conditional Formatting)
control (Embedded Control)
controls (Embedded Controls)
customPr (Custom Property)
customProperties (Custom Properties)
customSheetView (Custom Chart Sheet View)
customSheetView (Custom Sheet View)
customSheetViews (Custom Chart Sheet Views)
customSheetViews (Custom Sheet Views)
dataBar (Data Bar)
dataConsolidate (Data Consolidate)
dataRef (Data Consolidation Reference)
dataRefs (Data Consolidation References)
dataValidation (Data Validation)
dataValidations (Data Validations)
dialogsheet (Dialog Sheet)
dimension (Worksheet Dimensions)
drawing (Drawing)
evenFooter (Even Page Footer)
evenHeader (Even Page Header)
f (Formula)
firstFooter (First Page Footer)
firstHeader (First Page Header)
formula (Formula)
formula1 (Formula 1)
formula2 (Formula 2)
headerFooter (Header Footer Settings)
hyperlink (Hyperlink)
hyperlinks (Hyperlinks)
iconSet (Icon Set)
ignoredError (Ignored Error)
ignoredErrors (Ignored Errors)
inputCells (Input Cells)
is (Rich Text Inline)
legacyDrawing (Legacy Drawing Reference)
legacyDrawingHF (Legacy Drawing Reference in Header Footer)
mergeCell (Merged Cell)
mergeCells (Merge Cells)
oddFooter (Odd Page Footer)
oddHeader (Odd Header)
oleObject (Embedded Object)
oleObjects (Embedded Objects)
outlinePr (Outline Properties)
pageMargins (Page Margins)
pageSetup (Page Setup Settings)
pageSetup (Chart Sheet Page Setup)
pageSetUpPr (Page Setup Properties)
pane (View Pane)
picture (Background Image)
pivotArea (Pivot Area)
pivotSelection (PivotTable Selection)
printOptions (Print Options)
protectedRange (Protected Range)
protectedRanges (Protected Ranges)
row (Row)
rowBreaks (Horizontal Page Breaks (Row))
scenario (Scenario)
scenarios (Scenarios)
selection (Selection)
sheetCalcPr (Sheet Calculation Properties)
sheetData (Sheet Data)
sheetFormatPr (Sheet Format Properties)
sheetPr (Sheet Properties)
sheetPr (Chart Sheet Properties)
sheetProtection (Sheet Protection Options)
sheetProtection (Chart Sheet Protection)
sheetView (Worksheet View)
sheetView (Chart Sheet View)
sheetViews (Sheet Views)
sheetViews (Chart Sheet Views)
smartTags (Smart Tags)
sortCondition (Sort Condition)
sortState (Sort State)
tabColor (Sheet Tab Color)
tablePart (Table Part)
tableParts (Table Parts)
v (Cell Value)
webPublishItem (Web Publishing Item)
webPublishItems (Web Publishing Items)
worksheet (Worksheet)
AutoFilter Settings
colorFilter (Color Filter Criteria)
customFilter (Custom Filter Criteria)
customFilters (Custom Filters)
dateGroupItem (Date Grouping)
dynamicFilter (Dynamic Filter)
filter (Filter)
filterColumn (AutoFilter Column)
filters (Filter Criteria)
iconFilter (Icon Filter)
top10 (Top 10)
Shared String Table
charset (Character Set)
outline (Outline)
phoneticPr (Phonetic Properties)
r (Rich Text Run)
rFont (Font)
rPh (Phonetic Run)
rPr (Run Properties)
si (String Item)
sst (Shared String Table)
strike (Strike Through)
sz (Font Size)
t (Text)
u (Underline)
vertAlign (Vertical Alignment)
calculatedColumnFormula (Calculated Column Formula)
table (Table)
tableColumn (Table Column)
tableColumns (Table Columns)
tableStyleInfo (Table Style)
totalsRowFormula (Totals Row Formula)
xmlColumnPr (XML Column Properties)
Single Cell Tables
singleXmlCell (Table Properties)
singleXmlCells (Single Cells)
xmlCellPr (Cell Properties)
xmlPr (Column XML Properties)
Calculation Chain
c (Cell)
calcChain (Calculation Chain Info)
author (Author)
authors (Authors)
comment (Comment)
commentList (List of Comments)
comments (Comments)
text (Comment Text)
alignment (Alignment)
b (Bold)
bgColor (Background Color)
border (Border)
borders (Borders)
bottom (Bottom Border)
cellStyle (Cell Style)
cellStyles (Cell Styles)
cellStyleXfs (Formatting Records)
cellXfs (Cell Formats)
colors (Colors)
condense (Condense)
diagonal (Diagonal)
dxf (Formatting)
dxfs (Formats)
extend (Extend)
family (Font Family)
fgColor (Foreground Color)
fill (Fill)
fills (Fills)
font (Font)
fonts (Fonts)
gradientFill (Gradient)
horizontal (Horizontal Inner Borders)
i (Italic)
indexedColors (Color Indexes)
left (Left Border)
mruColors (MRU Colors)
name (Font Name)
numFmt (Number Format)
numFmts (Number Formats)
patternFill (Pattern)
protection (Protection Properties)
rgbColor (RGB Color)
right (Right Border)
scheme (Scheme)
shadow (Shadow)
stop (Gradient Stop)
styleSheet (Style Sheet)
tableStyle (Table Style)
tableStyleElement (Table Style)
tableStyles (Table Styles)
top (Top Border)
vertical (Vertical Inner Border)
xf (Format)
bk (Metadata Block)
bk (Future Metadata Block)
cellMetadata (Cell Metadata)
futureMetadata (Future Metadata)
k (KPI MDX Metadata)
mdx (MDX Metadata Record)
mdxMetadata (MDX Metadata Information)
metadata (Metadata)
metadataStrings (Metadata String Store)
metadataType (Metadata Type Information)
metadataTypes (Metadata Types Collection)
ms (Set MDX Metadata)
n (Member Unique Name Index)
p (Member Property MDX Metadata)
rc (Metadata Record)
t (Tuple MDX Metadata)
valueMetadata (Value Metadata)
Pivot Tables
Pivot Tables
autoSortScope (AutoSort Scope)
b (Boolean)
cacheField (PivotCache Field)
cacheFields (PivotCache Fields)
cacheHierarchies (PivotCache Hierarchies)
cacheHierarchy (PivotCache Hierarchy)
cacheSource (PivotCache Source Description)
calculatedItem (Calculated Item)
calculatedItems (Calculated Items)
calculatedMember (Calculated Member)
calculatedMembers (Calculated Members)
chartFormat (PivotChart Format)
chartFormats (PivotChart Formats)
colFields (Column Fields)
colHierarchiesUsage (Column OLAP Hierarchy References)
colHierarchyUsage (Column OLAP Hierarchies)
colItems (Column Items)
conditionalFormat (Conditional Formatting)
conditionalFormats (Conditional Formats)
consolidation (Consolidation Source)
d (Date Time)
dataField (Data Field Item)
dataFields (Data Fields)
dimension (OLAP Dimension)
dimensions (OLAP Dimensions)
discretePr (Discrete Grouping Properties)
e (Error Value)
entries (Entries)
field (Field)
fieldGroup (Field Group Properties)
fieldsUsage (Fields Usage)
fieldUsage (PivotCache Field Id)
filter (PivotTable Advanced Filter)
filters (Filters)
format (PivotTable Format)
formats (PivotTable Formats)
group (OLAP Group)
groupItems (OLAP Group Items)
groupLevel (OLAP Grouping Levels)
groupLevels (OLAP Grouping Levels)
groupMember (OLAP Group Member)
groupMembers (OLAP Group Members)
groups (OLAP Level Groups)
i (Row Items)
item (PivotTable Field Item)
items (Field Items)
kpi (OLAP KPI)
kpis (OLAP KPIs)
location (PivotTable Location)
m (No Value)
map (OLAP Measure Group)
maps (OLAP Measure Group)
measureGroup (OLAP Measure Group)
measureGroups (OLAP Measure Groups)
member (Member)
members (Members)
mp (OLAP Member Property)
mpMap (Member Properties Map)
mps (OLAP Member Properties)
n (Numeric)
page (Page Items)
pageField (Page Field)
pageFields (Page Field Items)
pageItem (Page Item)
pages (Page Item Values)
pivotAreas (Pivot Areas)
pivotCacheDefinition (PivotCache Definition)
pivotCacheRecords (PivotCache Records)
pivotField (PivotTable Field)
pivotFields (PivotTable Fields)
pivotHierarchies (PivotTable OLAP Hierarchies)
pivotHierarchy (OLAP Hierarchy)
pivotTableDefinition (PivotTable Definition)
pivotTableStyleInfo (PivotTable Style)
query (Query)
queryCache (OLAP Query Cache)
r (PivotCache Record)
rangePr (Range Grouping Properties)
rangeSet (Range Set)
rangeSets (Range Sets)
rowFields (Row Fields)
rowHierarchiesUsage (Row OLAP Hierarchy References)
rowHierarchyUsage (Row OLAP Hierarchies)
rowItems (Row Items)
s (Character Value)
serverFormat (Server Format)
serverFormats (Server Formats)
set (OLAP Set)
sets (Sets)
sharedItems (Shared Items)
sortByTuple (Sort By Tuple)
tpl (Tuple)
tpls (Tuples)
tupleCache (Tuple Cache)
worksheetSource (Worksheet PivotCache Source)
x (Member Property Index)
x (Shared Items Index)
Shared Pivot Table Data
reference (Reference)
references (References)
Shared Workbook Data
Shared Workbook Data
header (Header)
headers (Revision Headers)
nc (New Cell Data)
ndxf (New Formatting Information)
oc (Old Cell Data)
odxf (Old Formatting Information)
oldFormula (Old Formula)
raf (Revision AutoFormat)
rcc (Revision Cell Change)
rcft (Revision Merge Conflict)
rcmt (Revision Cell Comment)
rcv (Revision Custom View)
rdn (Revision Defined Name)
reviewed (Reviewed)
reviewedList (Reviewed List)
revisions (Revisions)
rfmt (Revision Format)
ris (Revision Insert Sheet)
rm (Revision Cell Move)
rqt (Revision Query Table)
rrc (Revision Row Column Insert Delete)
rsnm (Revision Sheet Name)
sheetId (Sheet Id)
sheetIdMap (Sheet Id Map)
undo (Undo)
Shared Workbook User Data
userInfo (User Information)
users (User List)
QueryTable Data
deletedField (Deleted Field)
queryTable (Query Table)
queryTableDeletedFields (Deleted Fields)
queryTableField (QueryTable Field)
queryTableFields (Query table fields)
queryTableRefresh (QueryTable Refresh Information)
External Data Connections
connection (Connection)
connections (Connections)
dbPr (Database Properties)
m (No Value)
olapPr (OLAP Properties)
parameter (Parameter Properties)
parameters (Query Parameters)
s (Character Value)
tables (Tables)
textField (Text Import Field Settings)
textFields (Fields)
textPr (Text Import Settings)
webPr (Web Query Properties)
Supplementary Workbook Data
cell (External Cell Data)
ddeItem (DDE Item definition)
ddeItems (DDE Items Collection)
ddeLink (DDE Connection)
definedName (Defined Name)
definedNames (Named Links)
externalBook (External Workbook)
externalLink (External Reference)
oleItem (OLE Link Item)
oleItems (OLE Link Items)
oleLink (OLE Link)
row (Row)
sheetData (External Sheet Data Set)
sheetDataSet (Cached Worksheet Data)
sheetName (Sheet Name)
sheetNames (Supporting Workbook Sheet Names)
val (DDE Link Value)
value (Value)
values (DDE Name Values)
Volatile Dependencies
main (Main)
stp (Strings in Subtopic)
tp (Topic)
tr (References)
volType (Volatile Dependency Type)
volTypes (Volatile Dependency Types)
Custom XML Mappings
DataBinding (XML Mapping)
Map (XML Mapping Properties)
MapInfo (XML Mapping)
Schema (XML Schema)
Cell References
Types and Values XE "type" XE "value"
Single- and Multi-Cell Formulas XE "formula:single-cell" \b XE "formula:multi-cell" \b
Error values XE "error value" \b
Dates and Times XE "date" \b XE "time" \b
Date Representation XE "date:representation of" \b
Time Representation XE "time:representation of" \b
Combined Date and Time Representation
Limits and Precision
Limits XE "limits" \b
Precision XE "precision" \b
Lexical Representation
XML Representation XE "XML"
Cell Reference Style XE "XML:cell reference style and" \b
Scalar Formulas XE "XML:scalar formula and" \b
Array Formulas XE "XML:array formula and" \b
Formula Evaluation Order XE "XML:formula evaluation order and" \b
Name Representation XE "XML:name representation and" \b
Value Representation XE "XML:value representation and" \b
Dates and Times XE "XML:dates and times and" \b
Predefined Function Definitions
ABS XE "ABS SpreadsheetML function" \b
ACCRINT XE "ACCRINT SpreadsheetML function" \b
ACCRINTM XE "ACCRINTM SpreadsheetML function" \b
ACOS XE "ACOS SpreadsheetML function" \b
ACOSH XE "ACOSH SpreadsheetML function" \b
ADDRESS XE "ADDRESS SpreadsheetML function" \b
AMORDEGRC XE "AMORDEGRC SpreadsheetML function" \b
AMORLINC XE "AMORLINC SpreadsheetML function" \b
AND XE "AND SpreadsheetML function" \b
AREAS XE "AREAS SpreadsheetML function" \b
ASC XE "ASC SpreadsheetML function" \b
ASIN XE "ASIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
ASINH XE "ASINH SpreadsheetML function" \b
ATAN XE "ATAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
ATAN2 XE "ATAN2 SpreadsheetML function" \b
ATANH XE "ATANH SpreadsheetML function" \b
AVEDEV XE "AVEDEV SpreadsheetML function" \b
AVERAGE XE "AVERAGE SpreadsheetML function" \b
AVERAGEA XE "AVERAGEA SpreadsheetML function" \b
AVERAGEIF XE "AVERAGEIF SpreadsheetML function" \b
AVERAGEIFS XE "AVERAGEIFS SpreadsheetML function" \b
BAHTTEXT XE "BAHTTEXT SpreadsheetML function" \b
BESSELI XE "BESSELI SpreadsheetML function" \b
BESSELJ XE "BESSELJ SpreadsheetML function" \b
BESSELK XE "BESSELK SpreadsheetML function" \b
BESSELY XE "BESSELY SpreadsheetML function" \b
BETADIST XE "BETADIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
BETAINV XE "BETAINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
BIN2DEC XE "BIN2DEC SpreadsheetML function" \b
BIN2HEX XE "BIN2HEX SpreadsheetML function" \b
BIN2OCT XE "BIN2OCT SpreadsheetML function" \b
BINOMDIST XE "BINOMDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
CEILING XE "CEILING SpreadsheetML function" \b
CELL XE "CELL SpreadsheetML function" \b
CHAR XE "CHAR SpreadsheetML function" \b
CHIDIST XE "CHIDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
CHIINV XE "CHIINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
CHITEST XE "CHITEST SpreadsheetML function" \b
CHOOSE XE "CHOOSE SpreadsheetML function" \b
CLEAN XE "CLEAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
CODE XE "CODE SpreadsheetML function" \b
COLUMN XE "COLUMN SpreadsheetML function" \b
COLUMNS XE "COLUMNS SpreadsheetML function" \b
COMBIN XE "COMBIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
COMPLEX XE "COMPLEX SpreadsheetML function" \b
CONFIDENCE XE "CONFIDENCE SpreadsheetML function" \b
CONVERT XE "CONVERT SpreadsheetML function" \b
CORREL XE "CORREL SpreadsheetML function" \b
COS XE "COS SpreadsheetML function" \b
COSH XE "COSH SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUNT XE "COUNT SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUNTA XE "COUNTA SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUNTBLANK XE "COUNTBLANK SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUNTIF XE "COUNTIF SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUNTIFS XE "COUNTIFS SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUPDAYBS XE "COUPDAYBS SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUPDAYS XE "COUPDAYS SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUPDAYSNC XE "COUPDAYSNC SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUPNCD XE "COUPNCD SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUPNUM XE "COUPNUM SpreadsheetML function" \b
COUPPCD XE "COUPPCD SpreadsheetML function" \b
COVAR XE "COVAR SpreadsheetML function" \b
CRITBINOM XE "CRITBINOM SpreadsheetML function" \b
CUBEMEMBER XE "CUBEMEMBER SpreadsheetML function" \b
CUBESET XE "CUBESET SpreadsheetML function" \b
CUBEVALUE XE "CUBEVALUE SpreadsheetML function" \b
CUMIPMT XE "CUMIPMT SpreadsheetML function" \b
CUMPRINC XE "CUMPRINC SpreadsheetML function" \b
DATE XE "DATE SpreadsheetML function" \b
DATEDIF XE "DATEDIF SpreadsheetML function" \b
DATEVALUE XE "DATEVALUE SpreadsheetML function" \b
DAVERAGE XE "DAVERAGE SpreadsheetML function" \b
DAY XE "DAY SpreadsheetML function" \b
DAYS360 XE "DAYS360 SpreadsheetML function" \b
DB XE "DB SpreadsheetML function" \b
DCOUNT XE "DCOUNT SpreadsheetML function" \b
DCOUNTA XE "DCOUNTA SpreadsheetML function" \b
DDB XE "DDB SpreadsheetML function" \b
DEC2BIN XE "DEC2BIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
DEC2HEX XE "DEC2HEX SpreadsheetML function" \b
DEC2OCT XE "DEC2OCT SpreadsheetML function" \b
DEGREES XE "DEGREES SpreadsheetML function" \b
DELTA XE "DELTA SpreadsheetML function" \b
DEVSQ XE "DEVSQ SpreadsheetML function" \b
DGET XE "DGET SpreadsheetML function" \b
DISC XE "DISC SpreadsheetML function" \b
DMAX XE "DMAX SpreadsheetML function" \b
DMIN XE "DMIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
DOLLAR XE "DOLLAR SpreadsheetML function" \b
DOLLARDE XE "DOLLARDE SpreadsheetML function" \b
DOLLARFR XE "DOLLARFR SpreadsheetML function" \b
DPRODUCT XE "DPRODUCT SpreadsheetML function" \b
DSTDEV XE "DSTDEV SpreadsheetML function" \b
DSTDEVP XE "DSTDEVP SpreadsheetML function" \b
DSUM XE "DSUM SpreadsheetML function" \b
DURATION XE "DURATION SpreadsheetML function" \b
DVAR XE "DVAR SpreadsheetML function" \b
DVARP XE "DVARP SpreadsheetML function" \b
EDATE XE "EDATE SpreadsheetML function" \b
EFFECT XE "EFFECT SpreadsheetML function" \b
EOMONTH XE "EOMONTH SpreadsheetML function" \b
ERF XE "ERF SpreadsheetML function" \b
ERFC XE "ERFC SpreadsheetML function" \b
ERROR.TYPE XE "ERROR.TYPE SpreadsheetML function" \b
EVEN XE "EVEN SpreadsheetML function" \b
EXACT XE "EXACT SpreadsheetML function" \b
EXP XE "EXP SpreadsheetML function" \b
EXPONDIST XE "EXPONDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
FACT XE "FACT SpreadsheetML function" \b
FACTDOUBLE XE "FACTDOUBLE SpreadsheetML function" \b
FALSE XE "FALSE SpreadsheetML function" \b
FDIST XE "FDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
FIND XE "FIND SpreadsheetML function" \b
FINDB XE "FINDB SpreadsheetML function" \b
FINV XE "FINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
FISHER XE "FISHER SpreadsheetML function" \b
FISHERINV XE "FISHERINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
FIXED XE "FIXED SpreadsheetML function" \b
FLOOR XE "FLOOR SpreadsheetML function" \b
FORECAST XE "FORECAST SpreadsheetML function" \b
FREQUENCY XE "FREQUENCY SpreadsheetML function" \b
FTEST XE "FTEST SpreadsheetML function" \b
FV XE "FV SpreadsheetML function" \b
FVSCHEDULE XE "FVSCHEDULE SpreadsheetML function" \b
GAMMADIST XE "GAMMADIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
GAMMAINV XE "GAMMAINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
GAMMALN XE "GAMMALN SpreadsheetML function" \b
GCD XE "GCD SpreadsheetML function" \b
GEOMEAN XE "GEOMEAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
GESTEP XE "GESTEP SpreadsheetML function" \b
GROWTH XE "GROWTH SpreadsheetML function" \b
HARMEAN XE "HARMEAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
HEX2BIN XE "HEX2BIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
HEX2DEC XE "HEX2DEC SpreadsheetML function" \b
HEX2OCT XE "HEX2OCT SpreadsheetML function" \b
HLOOKUP XE "HLOOKUP SpreadsheetML function" \b
HOUR XE "HOUR SpreadsheetML function" \b
HYPERLINK XE "HYPERLINK SpreadsheetML function" \b
HYPGEOMDIST XE "HYPGEOMDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
IF XE "IF SpreadsheetML function" \b
IFERROR XE "IFERROR SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMABS XE "IMABS SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMAGINARY XE "IMAGINARY SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMARGUMENT XE "IMARGUMENT SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMCONJUGATE XE "IMCONJUGATE SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMCOS XE "IMCOS SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMDIV XE "IMDIV SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMEXP XE "IMEXP SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMLN XE "IMLN SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMLOG10 XE "IMLOG10 SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMLOG2 XE "IMLOG2 SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMPOWER XE "IMPOWER SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMPRODUCT XE "IMPRODUCT SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMREAL XE "IMREAL SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMSIN XE "IMSIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMSQRT XE "IMSQRT SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMSUB XE "IMSUB SpreadsheetML function" \b
IMSUM XE "IMSUM SpreadsheetML function" \b
INDEX XE "INDEX SpreadsheetML function" \b
INDIRECT XE "INDIRECT SpreadsheetML function" \b
INFO XE "INFO SpreadsheetML function" \b
INT XE "INT SpreadsheetML function" \b
INTERCEPT XE "INTERCEPT SpreadsheetML function" \b
INTRATE XE "INTRATE SpreadsheetML function" \b
IPMT XE "IPMT SpreadsheetML function" \b
IRR XE "IRR SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISBLANK XE "ISBLANK SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISERR XE "ISERR SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISERROR XE "ISERROR SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISEVEN XE "ISEVEN SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISLOGICAL XE "ISLOGICAL SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISNA XE "ISNA SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISNONTEXT XE "ISNONTEXT SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISNUMBER XE "ISNUMBER SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISODD XE "ISODD SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISPMT XE "ISPMT SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISREF XE "ISREF SpreadsheetML function" \b
ISTEXT XE "ISTEXT SpreadsheetML function" \b
JIS XE "JIS SpreadsheetML function" \b
KURT XE "KURT SpreadsheetML function" \b
LARGE XE "LARGE SpreadsheetML function" \b
LCM XE "LCM SpreadsheetML function" \b
LEFT XE "LEFT SpreadsheetML function" \b
LEFTB XE "LEFTB SpreadsheetML function" \b
LEN XE "LEN SpreadsheetML function" \b
LENB XE "LENB SpreadsheetML function" \b
LINEST XE "LINEST SpreadsheetML function" \b
LN XE "LN SpreadsheetML function" \b
LOG XE "LOG SpreadsheetML function" \b
LOG10 XE "LOG10 SpreadsheetML function" \b
LOGEST XE "LOGEST SpreadsheetML function" \b
LOGINV XE "LOGINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
LOGNORMDIST XE "LOGNORMDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
LOOKUP XE "LOOKUP SpreadsheetML function" \b
LOWER XE "LOWER SpreadsheetML function" \b
MATCH XE "MATCH SpreadsheetML function" \b
MAX XE "MAX SpreadsheetML function" \b
MAXA XE "MAXA SpreadsheetML function" \b
MDETERM XE "MDETERM SpreadsheetML function" \b
MDURATION XE "MDURATION SpreadsheetML function" \b
MEDIAN XE "MEDIAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
MID XE "MID SpreadsheetML function" \b
MIDB XE "MIDB SpreadsheetML function" \b
MIN XE "MIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
MINA XE "MINA SpreadsheetML function" \b
MINUTE XE "MINUTE SpreadsheetML function" \b
MINVERSE XE "MINVERSE SpreadsheetML function" \b
MIRR XE "MIRR SpreadsheetML function" \b
MMULT XE "MMULT SpreadsheetML function" \b
MOD XE "MOD SpreadsheetML function" \b
MODE XE "MODE SpreadsheetML function" \b
MONTH XE "MONTH SpreadsheetML function" \b
MROUND XE "MROUND SpreadsheetML function" \b
MULTINOMIAL XE "MULTINOMIAL SpreadsheetML function" \b
N XE "N SpreadsheetML function" \b
NA XE "NA SpreadsheetML function" \b
NETWORKDAYS XE "NETWORKDAYS SpreadsheetML function" \b
NOMINAL XE "NOMINAL SpreadsheetML function" \b
NORMDIST XE "NORMDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
NORMINV XE "NORMINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
NORMSDIST XE "NORMSDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
NORMSINV XE "NORMSINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
NOT XE "NOT SpreadsheetML function" \b
NOW XE "NOW SpreadsheetML function" \b
NPER XE "NPER SpreadsheetML function" \b
NPV XE "NPV SpreadsheetML function" \b
OCT2BIN XE "OCT2BIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
OCT2DEC XE "OCT2DEC SpreadsheetML function" \b
OCT2HEX XE "OCT2HEX SpreadsheetML function" \b
ODD XE "ODD SpreadsheetML function" \b
ODDFPRICE XE "ODDFPRICE SpreadsheetML function" \b
ODDFYIELD XE "ODDFYIELD SpreadsheetML function" \b
ODDLPRICE XE "ODDLPRICE SpreadsheetML function" \b
ODDLYIELD XE "ODDLYIELD SpreadsheetML function" \b
OFFSET XE "OFFSET SpreadsheetML function" \b
OR XE "OR SpreadsheetML function" \b
PEARSON XE "PEARSON SpreadsheetML function" \b
PERCENTILE XE "PERCENTILE SpreadsheetML function" \b
PERCENTRANK XE "PERCENTRANK SpreadsheetML function" \b
PERMUT XE "PERMUT SpreadsheetML function" \b
PHONETIC XE "PHONETIC SpreadsheetML function" \b
PI XE "PI SpreadsheetML function" \b
PMT XE "PMT SpreadsheetML function" \b
POISSON XE "POISSON SpreadsheetML function" \b
POWER XE "POWER SpreadsheetML function" \b
PPMT XE "PPMT SpreadsheetML function" \b
PRICE XE "PRICE SpreadsheetML function" \b
PRICEDISC XE "PRICEDISC SpreadsheetML function" \b
PRICEMAT XE "PRICEMAT SpreadsheetML function" \b
PROB XE "PROB SpreadsheetML function" \b
PRODUCT XE "PRODUCT SpreadsheetML function" \b
PROPER XE "PROPER SpreadsheetML function" \b
PV XE "PV SpreadsheetML function" \b
QUARTILE XE "QUARTILE SpreadsheetML function" \b
QUOTIENT XE "QUOTIENT SpreadsheetML function" \b
RADIANS XE "RADIANS SpreadsheetML function" \b
RAND XE "RAND SpreadsheetML function" \b
RANDBETWEEN XE "RANDBETWEEN SpreadsheetML function" \b
RANK XE "RANK SpreadsheetML function" \b
RATE XE "RATE SpreadsheetML function" \b
RECEIVED XE "RECEIVED SpreadsheetML function" \b
REPLACE XE "REPLACE SpreadsheetML function" \b
REPLACEB XE "REPLACEB SpreadsheetML function" \b
REPT XE "REPT SpreadsheetML function" \b
RIGHT XE "RIGHT SpreadsheetML function" \b
RIGHTB XE "RIGHTB SpreadsheetML function" \b
ROMAN XE "ROMAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
ROUND XE "ROUND SpreadsheetML function" \b
ROUNDDOWN XE "ROUNDDOWN SpreadsheetML function" \b
ROUNDUP XE "ROUNDUP SpreadsheetML function" \b
ROW XE "ROW SpreadsheetML function" \b
ROWS XE "ROWS SpreadsheetML function" \b
RSQ XE "RSQ SpreadsheetML function" \b
RTD XE "RTD SpreadsheetML function" \b
SEARCH XE "SEARCH SpreadsheetML function" \b
SEARCHB XE " SEARCHB SpreadsheetML function" \b
SECOND XE "SECOND SpreadsheetML function" \b
SERIESSUM XE "SERIESSUM SpreadsheetML function" \b
SIGN XE "SIGN SpreadsheetML function" \b
SIN XE "SIN SpreadsheetML function" \b
SINH XE "SINH SpreadsheetML function" \b
SKEW XE "SKEW SpreadsheetML function" \b
SLN XE "SLN SpreadsheetML function" \b
SLOPE XE "SLOPE SpreadsheetML function" \b
SMALL XE "SMALL SpreadsheetML function" \b
SQRT XE "SQRT SpreadsheetML function" \b
SQRTPI XE "SQRTPI SpreadsheetML function" \b
STANDARDIZE XE "STANDARDIZE SpreadsheetML function" \b
STDEV XE "STDEV SpreadsheetML function" \b
STDEVA XE "STDEVA SpreadsheetML function" \b
STDEVP XE "STDEVP SpreadsheetML function" \b
STDEVPA XE "STDEVPA SpreadsheetML function" \b
STEYX XE "STEYX SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUBSTITUTE XE "SUBSTITUTE SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUBTOTAL XE "SUBTOTAL SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUM XE "SUM SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUMIF XE "SUMIF SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUMIFS XE "SUMIFS SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUMPRODUCT XE "SUMPRODUCT SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUMSQ XE "SUMSQ SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUMX2MY2 XE "SUMX2MY2 SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUMX2PY2 XE "SUMX2PY2 SpreadsheetML function" \b
SUMXMY2 XE "SUMXMY2 SpreadsheetML function" \b
SYD XE "SYD SpreadsheetML function" \b
T XE "T SpreadsheetML function" \b
TAN XE "TAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
TANH XE "TANH SpreadsheetML function" \b
TBILLEQ XE "TBILLEQ SpreadsheetML function" \b
TBILLPRICE XE "TBILLPRICE SpreadsheetML function" \b
TBILLYIELD XE "TBILLYIELD SpreadsheetML function" \b
TDIST XE "TDIST SpreadsheetML function" \b
TEXT XE "TEXT SpreadsheetML function" \b
TIME XE "TIME SpreadsheetML function" \b
TIMEVALUE XE "TIMEVALUE SpreadsheetML function" \b
TINV XE "TINV SpreadsheetML function" \b
TODAY XE "TODAY SpreadsheetML function" \b
TRANSPOSE XE "TRANSPOSE SpreadsheetML function" \b
TREND XE "TREND SpreadsheetML function" \b
TRIM XE "TRIM SpreadsheetML function" \b
TRIMMEAN XE "TRIMMEAN SpreadsheetML function" \b
TRUE XE "TRUE SpreadsheetML function" \b
TRUNC XE "TRUNC SpreadsheetML function" \b
TTEST XE "TTEST SpreadsheetML function" \b
TYPE XE "TYPE SpreadsheetML function" \b
UPPER XE "UPPER SpreadsheetML function" \b
VALUE XE "VALUE SpreadsheetML function" \b
VAR XE "VAR SpreadsheetML function" \b
VARA XE "VARA SpreadsheetML function" \b
VARP XE "VARP SpreadsheetML function" \b
VARPA XE "VARPA SpreadsheetML function" \b
VDB XE "VDB SpreadsheetML function" \b
VLOOKUP XE "VLOOKUP SpreadsheetML function" \b
WEEKDAY XE "WEEKDAY SpreadsheetML function" \b
WEEKNUM XE "WEEKNUM SpreadsheetML function" \b
WEIBULL XE "WEIBULL SpreadsheetML function" \b
WORKDAY XE "WORKDAY SpreadsheetML function" \b
XIRR XE "XIRR SpreadsheetML function" \b
XNPV XE "XNPV SpreadsheetML function" \b
YEAR XE "YEAR SpreadsheetML function" \b
YEARFRAC XE "YEARFRAC SpreadsheetML function" \b
YIELD XE "YIELD SpreadsheetML function" \b
YIELDDISC XE "YIELDDISC SpreadsheetML function" \b
YIELDMAT XE "YIELDMAT SpreadsheetML function" \b
ZTEST XE "ZTEST SpreadsheetML function" \b
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