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SpreadsheetML Reference Material - Table of Contents
ST_BorderStyle (Border Line Styles)
The line style of a border in a cell.
This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.
The following are possible enumeration values for this type:
Enumeration Value |
Description |
dashDot (Dash Dot) |
The line style of a border is dash-dot.
end example]
dashDotDot (Dash Dot Dot) |
The line style of a border is dash-dot-dot.
end example] |
dashed (Dashed) |
The line style of a border is dashed.
end example] |
dotted (Dotted) |
The line style of a border is dotted.
end example] |
double (Double Line) |
The line style of a border is double line.
end example] |
hair (Hairline Border) |
The line style of a border is hairline.
end example] |
medium (Medium Border) |
The line style of a border is medium.
end example] |
mediumDashDot (Medium Dash Dot) |
The line style of a border is medium dash-dot.
end example] |
mediumDashDotDot (Medium Dash Dot Dot) |
The line style of a border is medium dash-dot-dot.
end example] |
mediumDashed (Medium Dashed) |
The line style of a border is medium dashed.
end example] |
none (None) |
The line style of a border is none (no border visible).
end example] |
slantDashDot (Slant Dash Dot) |
The line style of a border is slant-dash-dot.
end example] |
thick (Thick Line Border) |
The line style of a border is 'thick'.
end example] |
thin (Thin Border) |
The line style of a border is thin.
end example] |
Referenced By |
bottom@style (§3.8.6); diagonal@style (§3.8.13); horizontal@style (§3.8.24); left@style (§3.8.27); right@style (§3.8.35); top@style (§3.8.43); vertical@style (§3.8.44) |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:
<simpleType name="ST_BorderStyle">
<restriction base="xsd:string">
<enumeration value="none"/>
<enumeration value="thin"/>
<enumeration value="medium"/>
<enumeration value="dashed"/>
<enumeration value="dotted"/>
<enumeration value="thick"/>
<enumeration value="double"/>
<enumeration value="hair"/>
<enumeration value="mediumDashed"/>
<enumeration value="dashDot"/>
<enumeration value="mediumDashDot"/>
<enumeration value="dashDotDot"/>
<enumeration value="mediumDashDotDot"/>
<enumeration value="slantDashDot"/>