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SpreadsheetML Reference Material - Table of Contents

ST_DataValidationImeMode (Data Validation IME Mode)

These values specify that the IME (input method editor) mode is controlled by data validation.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


disabled (Disabled IME Mode)

IME mode is disabled. Forces the IME control to be disabled when this cell is selected.

fullAlpha (Full-Width Alpha-Numeric IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in full-width alph-numeric input mode when the cell is first selected.

fullHangul (Full Width Hangul)

Forces the IME control to be on and in full-width Hangul input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Korean and a Korean IME control is selected.

fullKatakana (Full Katakana IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in full-width Katakana input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Japanese and a Japanese IME control is selected.

halfAlpha (Half Alpha IME)

Forces the IME control to be on and in half-width alph-numeric input mode when the cell is first selected.

halfHangul (Half-Width Hangul IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in half-width Hangul input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Korean and a Korean IME control is selected.

halfKatakana (Half-Width Katakana)

Forces the IME control to be on and in half-width Katakana input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Japanese and a Japanese IME control is selected.

hiragana (Hiragana IME Mode)

Forces the IME control to be on and in Hiragana input mode when first selecting the cell. Applies when the application's language is Japanese and a Japanese IME control is selected

noControl (IME Mode Not Controlled)

Data validation does not control the IME control's mode.

off (IME Off)

Forces the IME control to be off when first selecting the cell (goes to direct cell input mode).

on (IME On)

Forces the IME control to be on when first selecting the cell.


Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_DataValidationImeMode">

   <restriction base="xsd:string">

   <enumeration value="noControl"/>

   <enumeration value="off"/>

   <enumeration value="on"/>

   <enumeration value="disabled"/>

   <enumeration value="hiragana"/>

   <enumeration value="fullKatakana"/>

   <enumeration value="halfKatakana"/>

   <enumeration value="fullAlpha"/>

   <enumeration value="halfAlpha"/>

   <enumeration value="fullHangul"/>

   <enumeration value="halfHangul"/>

