[Table of Contents] [docx version]

SpreadsheetML Reference Material - Table of Contents



FREQUENCY ( data-array , bins-array )

Description: Calculates how often values occur within a range of values. A call to FREQUENCY shall be entered as an array formula.






array, reference to number

Set of values for which frequencies are to be computed. If data-array contains no values, FREQUENCY returns an array of zeros. Cells containing text or that are empty are ignored.


array, reference

Set of intervals into which the values in data-array are to be grouped. If bins-array contains no values, FREQUENCY returns the number of elements in data-array.


Return Type and Value: vertical array of numbers – The frequency at which values occur within a range of values. The number of elements in the returned array is one more than the number of elements in bins-array. The extra element contains the count of any values above the highest interval.


If the cells A2:A10 contain 79, 85, 78, 85, 50, 81, 95, 88, and 97, and the cells B2:B4 contain 70, 79, and 89, FREQUENCY(A2:A10,B2:B4) results in a vertical array containing 1 (50), 2 (79, 78), 4 (85, 85, 81, 88), and 2 (95, 97).

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