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VML Reference Material
arc (Arc Segment)
background (Document Background)
curve (Bezier Curve)
f (Single Formula)
fill (Shape Fill Properties)
formulas (Set of Formulas)
group (Shape Group)
h (Shape Handle)
handles (Set of Handles)
image (Image File)
imagedata (Image Data)
line (Line)
oval (Oval)
path (Shape Path)
polyline (Multiple Path Line)
rect (Rectangle)
roundrect (Rounded Rectangle)
shadow (Shadow Effect)
shape (Shape Definition)
shapetype (Shape Template)
stroke (Line Stroke Settings)
textbox (Text Box)
textpath (Text Layout Path)
Simple Types
ST_ColorType (Color Type)
ST_EditAs (Shape Grouping Types)
ST_Ext (VML Extension Handling Behaviors)
ST_FillMethod (Gradient Fill Computation Type)
ST_FillType (Shape Fill Type)
ST_ImageAspect (Image Scaling Behavior)
ST_ShadowType (Shadow Type)
ST_StrokeArrowLength (Stroke Arrowhead Length)
ST_StrokeArrowType (Stroke Arrowhead Type)
ST_StrokeArrowWidth (Stroke Arrowhead Width)
ST_StrokeEndCap (Stroke End Cap Type)
ST_StrokeJoinStyle (Line Join Type)
ST_StrokeLineStyle (Stroke Line Style)
ST_TrueFalse (Boolean Value)
ST_TrueFalseBlank (Boolean Value with Blank [False] State)
VML - Office Drawing
bottom (Text Box Bottom Stroke)
callout (Callout)
clippath (Shape Clipping Path)
colormenu (UI Default Colors)
colormru (Most Recently Used Colors)
column (Text Box Interior Stroke)
complex (Complex)
diagram (VML Diagram)
entry (Regroup Entry)
extrusion (3D Extrusion)
FieldCodes (WordprocessingML Field Switches)
fill (Shape Fill Extended Properties)
idmap (Shape ID Map)
ink (Ink)
left (Text Box Left Stroke)
LinkType (Embedded Object Alternate Image Request)
lock (Shape Protections)
LockedField (Embedded Object Cannot Be Refreshed)
OLEObject (Embedded OLE Object)
proxy (Shape Reference)
r (Rule)
regrouptable (Shape Grouping History)
rel (Diagram Relationship)
relationtable (Diagram Relationship Table)
right (Text Box Right Stroke)
rules (Rule Set)
shapedefaults (New Shape Defaults)
shapelayout (Shape Layout Properties)
signatureline (Digital Signature Line)
skew (Skew Transform)
top (Text Box Top Stroke)
Simple Types
ST_Angle (Callout Angles)
ST_BWMode (Black And White Modes)
ST_CalloutDrop (Callout Drop Location)
ST_ColorMode (Extrusion Color Types)
ST_ColorType (Color Type)
ST_ConnectorType (Connector Type)
ST_ConnectType (Connection Locations Type)
ST_ExtrusionPlane (Extrusion Planes)
ST_ExtrusionRender (Extrusion Rendering Types)
ST_ExtrusionType (Extrusion Type)
ST_FillType (Shape Fill Type)
ST_Guid (128-Bit GUID)
ST_How (Alignment Type)
ST_HrAlign (Alignment Type)
ST_InsetMode (Inset Margin Type)
ST_OLEDrawAspect (OLE Object Representations)
ST_OLELinkType (Embedded Object Alternate Image Request Types)
ST_OLEType (OLE Connection Type)
ST_OLEUpdateMode (OLE Update Method Type)
ST_RelationshipId (Explicit Relationship ID)
ST_RType (Rule Type)
ST_ScreenSize (Screen Sizes Type)
ST_TrueFalse (Boolean Value)
ST_TrueFalseBlank (Boolean Value with Blank [False] State)
VML - WordprocessingML Drawing
anchorlock (Anchor Location Is Locked)
borderbottom (Bottom Border)
borderleft (Left Border)
borderright (Right Border)
bordertop (Top Border)
wrap (Text Wrapping)
Simple Types
ST_BorderShadow (Border Shadow Type)
ST_BorderType (Border Type)
ST_HorizontalAnchor (Horizontal Anchor Type)
ST_VerticalAnchor (Vertical Anchor Type)
ST_WrapSide (Text Wrapping Side)
ST_WrapType (Text Wrapping Type)
VML - SpreadsheetML Drawing
Accel (Primary Keyboard Accelerator)
Accel2 (Secondary Keyboard Accelerator)
Anchor (Anchor)
AutoFill (AutoFill)
AutoLine (AutoLine)
AutoPict (Automatically Size)
AutoScale (Font AutoScale)
Camera (Camera Tool)
Cancel (Cancel Button)
CF (Clipboard Format)
Checked (Checked)
ClientData (Attached Object Data)
ColHidden (Comment's Column is Hidden)
Colored (Dropdown Color Toggle)
Column (Comment Column Target)
DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)
Default (Default Button)
DefaultSize (Default Size Toggle)
Disabled (Macro Disable Toggle)
Dismiss (Dismiss Button)
DropLines (Dropdown Maximum Lines)
DropStyle (Dropdown Style)
Dx (Scroll Bar Width)
FirstButton (First Radio Button)
FmlaGroup (Linked Formula - Group Box)
FmlaLink (Linked Formula)
FmlaMacro (Reference to Custom Function)
FmlaPict (Camera Source Range)
FmlaRange (List Items Source Range)
FmlaTxbx (Text Formula)
Help (Help Button)
Horiz (Scroll Bar Orientation)
Inc (Scroll Bar Increment)
JustLastX (Far East Alignment Toggle)
LCT (Callback Type)
ListItem (Non-linked List Item)
Locked (Lock Toggle)
LockText (Text Lock)
MapOCX (Embedded Control)
Max (Scroll Bar Maximum)
Min (Scroll Bar Minimum)
MoveWithCells (Move with Cells)
MultiLine (Multi-line)
MultiSel (Multiple Selections)
NoThreeD (Disable 3D)
NoThreeD2 (Disable 3D)
Page (Scroll Bar Page Increment)
PrintObject (Print Toggle)
RecalcAlways (Recalculation Toggle)
Row (Comment Row Target)
RowHidden (Comment's Row is Hidden)
ScriptExtended (HTML Script Attributes)
ScriptLanguage (HTML Script Language)
ScriptLocation (HTML Script Location)
ScriptText (HTML Script Text)
SecretEdit (Password Edit)
Sel (Selected Entry)
SelType (Selection Type)
SizeWithCells (Resize with Cells)
TextHAlign (Horizontal Text Alignment)
TextVAlign (Vertical Text Alignment)
UIObj (UI Object Toggle)
Val (Scroll bar position)
ValidIds (Valid ID)
Visible (Comment Visibility Toggle)
VScroll (Vertical Scroll)
VTEdit (Validation Type)
WidthMin (Minimum Width)
Simple Types
ST_CF (Clipboard Format Type)
ST_ObjectType (Object Type)
ST_TrueFalseBlank (Boolean Value with Blank State)
VML - PresentationML Drawing
iscomment (Ink Annotation Flag)
textdata (VML Diagram Text)