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VML Reference Material - VML
ST_TrueFalse (Boolean Value)
This simple type specifies logical true and false.
This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.
The following are possible enumeration values for this type:
Enumeration Value |
Description |
f (False) |
Logical false. |
false (False) |
Logical false. |
t (True) |
Logical true. |
true (True) |
Logical true. |
Referenced By |
arc@allowincell (§; arc@allowoverlap (§; arc@bullet (§; arc@button (§; arc@clip (§; arc@cliptowrap (§; arc@doubleclicknotify (§; arc@forcedash (§; arc@hr (§; arc@hrnoshade (§; arc@hrstd (§; arc@oleicon (§; arc@oned (§; arc@preferrelative (§; arc@userdrawn (§; arc@userhidden (§; bottom@forcedash (§; bottom@imagealignshape (§; bottom@insetpen (§; bottom@on (§; callout@accentbar (§; callout@dropauto (§; callout@lengthspecified (§; callout@minusx (§; callout@minusy (§; callout@on (§; callout@textborder (§; column@forcedash (§; column@imagealignshape (§; column@insetpen (§; column@on (§; curve@allowincell (§; curve@allowoverlap (§; curve@bullet (§; curve@button (§; curve@clip (§; curve@cliptowrap (§; curve@doubleclicknotify (§; curve@forcedash (§; curve@hr (§; curve@hrnoshade (§; curve@hrstd (§; curve@oleicon (§; curve@oned (§; curve@preferrelative (§; curve@userdrawn (§; curve@userhidden (§; diagram@autoformat (§; diagram@autolayout (§; diagram@reverse (§; extrusion@autorotationcenter (§; extrusion@lightface (§; extrusion@lightharsh (§; extrusion@lightharsh2 (§; extrusion@lockrotationcenter (§; extrusion@metal (§; extrusion@on (§; fill@detectmouseclick (§; group@allowincell (§; group@allowoverlap (§; group@bullet (§; group@button (§; group@doubleclicknotify (§; group@hr (§; group@hrnoshade (§; group@hrstd (§; group@oned (§; group@userdrawn (§; group@userhidden (§; image@allowincell (§; image@allowoverlap (§; image@bullet (§; image@button (§; image@clip (§; image@cliptowrap (§; image@doubleclicknotify (§; image@forcedash (§; image@hr (§; image@hrnoshade (§; image@hrstd (§; image@oleicon (§; image@oned (§; image@preferrelative (§; image@userdrawn (§; image@userhidden (§; imagedata@detectmouseclick (§; ink@annotation (§; left@forcedash (§; left@imagealignshape (§; left@insetpen (§; left@on (§; line@allowincell (§; line@allowoverlap (§; line@bullet (§; line@button (§; line@clip (§; line@cliptowrap (§; line@doubleclicknotify (§; line@forcedash (§; line@hr (§; line@hrnoshade (§; line@hrstd (§; line@oleicon (§; line@oned (§; line@preferrelative (§; line@userdrawn (§; line@userhidden (§; lock@adjusthandles (§; lock@aspectratio (§; lock@cropping (§; lock@grouping (§; lock@position (§; lock@rotation (§; lock@selection (§; lock@shapetype (§; lock@text (§; lock@ungrouping (§; lock@verticies (§; oval@allowincell (§; oval@allowoverlap (§; oval@bullet (§; oval@button (§; oval@clip (§; oval@cliptowrap (§; oval@doubleclicknotify (§; oval@forcedash (§; oval@hr (§; oval@hrnoshade (§; oval@hrstd (§; oval@oleicon (§; oval@oned (§; oval@preferrelative (§; oval@userdrawn (§; oval@userhidden (§; path@extrusionok (§; polyline@allowincell (§; polyline@allowoverlap (§; polyline@bullet (§; polyline@button (§; polyline@clip (§; polyline@cliptowrap (§; polyline@doubleclicknotify (§; polyline@forcedash (§; polyline@hr (§; polyline@hrnoshade (§; polyline@hrstd (§; polyline@oleicon (§; polyline@oned (§; polyline@preferrelative (§; polyline@userdrawn (§; polyline@userhidden (§; rect@allowincell (§; rect@allowoverlap (§; rect@bullet (§; rect@button (§; rect@clip (§; rect@cliptowrap (§; rect@doubleclicknotify (§; rect@forcedash (§; rect@hr (§; rect@hrnoshade (§; rect@hrstd (§; rect@oleicon (§; rect@oned (§; rect@preferrelative (§; rect@userdrawn (§; rect@userhidden (§; right@forcedash (§; right@imagealignshape (§; right@insetpen (§; right@on (§; roundrect@allowincell (§; roundrect@allowoverlap (§; roundrect@bullet (§; roundrect@button (§; roundrect@clip (§; roundrect@cliptowrap (§; roundrect@doubleclicknotify (§; roundrect@forcedash (§; roundrect@hr (§; roundrect@hrnoshade (§; roundrect@hrstd (§; roundrect@oleicon (§; roundrect@oned (§; roundrect@preferrelative (§; roundrect@userdrawn (§; roundrect@userhidden (§; shape@allowincell (§; shape@allowoverlap (§; shape@bullet (§; shape@button (§; shape@clip (§; shape@cliptowrap (§; shape@doubleclicknotify (§; shape@forcedash (§; shape@hr (§; shape@hrnoshade (§; shape@hrstd (§; shape@oleicon (§; shape@oned (§; shape@preferrelative (§; shape@userdrawn (§; shape@userhidden (§; shapedefaults@allowincell (§; shapedefaults@fill (§; shapedefaults@stroke (§; shapetype@allowincell (§; shapetype@allowoverlap (§; shapetype@bullet (§; shapetype@button (§; shapetype@clip (§; shapetype@cliptowrap (§; shapetype@doubleclicknotify (§; shapetype@forcedash (§; shapetype@hr (§; shapetype@hrnoshade (§; shapetype@hrstd (§; shapetype@oleicon (§; shapetype@oned (§; shapetype@preferrelative (§; shapetype@userdrawn (§; shapetype@userhidden (§; signatureline@allowcomments (§; signatureline@issignatureline (§; signatureline@showsigndate (§; signatureline@signinginstructionsset (§; skew@on (§; stroke@forcedash (§; textbox@singleclick (§; top@forcedash (§; top@imagealignshape (§; top@insetpen (§; top@on (§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:
<simpleType name="ST_TrueFalse">
<restriction base="xsd:string">
<enumeration value="t"/>
<enumeration value="f"/>
<enumeration value="true"/>
<enumeration value="false"/>