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extraClrScheme (Extra Color Scheme)
This element defines an auxiliary color scheme, which includes both a color scheme and color mapping. This is mainly used for backward compatibility concerns and roundtrips information required by earlier versions.
[Example: Consider the following example of an extra color scheme in use in DrawingML:
<clrScheme name="extraColorSchemeSample">
<sysClr val="windowText"/>
<sysClr val="window"/>
<srgbClr val="04617B"/>
<srgbClr val="DBF5F9"/>
<srgbClr val="0F6FC6"/>
<srgbClr val="009DD9"/>
<srgbClr val="0BD0D9"/>
<srgbClr val="10CF9B"/>
<srgbClr val="7CCA62"/>
<srgbClr val="A5C249"/>
<srgbClr val="FF9800"/>
<srgbClr val="F45511"/>
<clrMap bg1="lt1" tx1="dk1" bg2="lt2" tx2="dk2" accent1="accent1"
accent2="accent2" accent3="accent3" accent4="accent4" accent5="accent5"
accent6="accent6" hlink="hlink" folHlink="folHlink"/>
In this example, the extra color scheme contains a color scheme and a color map for that color scheme. end example]
Parent Elements |
extraClrSchemeLst (§ |
Child Elements |
Subclause |
clrMap (Color Map) |
§ |
clrScheme (Color Scheme) |
§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:
<complexType name="CT_ColorSchemeAndMapping">
<element name="clrScheme" type="CT_ColorScheme" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<element name="clrMap" type="CT_ColorMapping" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>