[Table of Contents] [docx version]
Error! No text of specified style in document.
extLst (Chart Extensibility)
This element contains tags used for future extensibility of the file format.
Parent Elements |
area3DChart (§; areaChart (§; backWall (§; bar3DChart (§; barChart (§; bubbleChart (§; catAx (§; chart (§; chartSpace (§; dateAx (§; dispUnits (§; dLbl (§; dLbls (§; doughnutChart (§; dPt (§; dTable (§; errBars (§; floor (§; layout (§; legend (§; legendEntry (§; line3DChart (§; lineChart (§; manualLayout (§; marker (§; multiLvlStrCache (§; multiLvlStrRef (§; numCache (§; numLit (§; numRef (§; ofPieChart (§; pie3DChart (§; pieChart (§; pivotFmt (§; pivotSource (§; plotArea (§; radarChart (§; scaling (§; scatterChart (§; ser (§; ser (§; ser (§; ser (§; ser (§; ser (§; ser (§; ser (§; serAx (§; sideWall (§; stockChart (§; strCache (§; strLit (§; strRef (§; surface3DChart (§; surfaceChart (§; title (§; trendline (§; trendlineLbl (§; upDownBars (§; valAx (§; view3D (§ |
Child Elements |
Subclause |
ext (Extension) |
§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:
<complexType name="CT_ExtensionList">
<element name="ext" type="CT_Extension" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>