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Error! No text of specified style in document.

ST_WrapText (Text Wrapping Location)

This simple type specifies the possible settings for how text may wrap around the object's left and right sides.

[Example: Consider a floating DrawingML object which shall allow text to wrap around its left side only. This setting would be specified as follows:

<wp:anchor … >

<wp:wrapTight wrapText="left" … />

The wrapText attribute value of left specifies that text shall only wrap around the let side of the object. end example]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


bothSides (Both Sides)

Specifies that text shall wrap around both sides of the object.

largest (Largest Side Only)

Specifies that text shall only wrap around the largest side of the object.


If the object is positioned in the exact center of the page, the text shall wrap around the side on which text is first encountered:

If the first line of text intersecting the object is using left-to-right reading order, the text shall wrap to the object's left.

If the first line of text intersecting the object is using right-to-left reading order, the text shall wrap to the object's right.

left (Left Side Only)

Specifies that text shall only wrap around the left side of the object.

right (Right Side Only)

Specifies that text shall only wrap around the right side of the object.


Referenced By

wrapSquare@wrapText5.5.2.17); wrapThrough@wrapText5.5.2.18); wrapTight@wrapText5.5.2.19)

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_WrapText">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="bothSides"/>

   <enumeration value="left"/>

   <enumeration value="right"/>

   <enumeration value="largest"/>

