[Table of Contents] [docx version]

Error! No text of specified style in document.

ST_TextUnderlineType (Text Underline Types)

This type specifies the text underline types that will be used.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


dash (Text Underline Enum ( Dashed ))

Underline the text with a single, dashed line of normal thickness.

dashHeavy (Text Underline Enum ( Heavy Dashed ))

Underline the text with a single, dashed, thick line.

dashLong (Text Underline Enum ( Long Dashed ))

Underline the text with a single line consisting of long dashes of normal thickness.

dashLongHeavy (Text Underline Enum ( Heavy Long Dashed ))

Underline the text with a single line consisting of long, thick dashes.

dbl (Text Underline Enum ( Double ))

Underline the text with two lines of normal thickness.

dotDash (Text Underline Enum ( Dot Dash ))

Underline the text with a single line of normal thickness consisting of repeating dots and dashes.

dotDashHeavy (Text Underline Enum ( Heavy Dot Dash ))

Underline the text with a single, thick line consisting of repeating dots and dashes.

dotDotDash (Text Underline Enum ( Dot Dot Dash ))

Underline the text with a single line of normal thickness consisting of repeating two dots and dashes.

dotDotDashHeavy (Text Underline Enum ( Heavy Dot Dot Dash ))

Underline the text with a single, thick line consisting of repeating two dots and dashes.

dotted (Text Underline Enum ( Dotted ))

Underline the text with a single, dotted line of normal thickness.

dottedHeavy (Text Underline Enum ( Heavy Dotted ))

Underline the text with a single, thick, dotted line.

heavy (Text Underline Enum ( Heavy ))

Underline the text with a single, thick line.

none (Text Underline Enum ( None ))

The reason we cannot implicitly have noUnderline be the scenario where underline is not specified is because not being specified implies deriving from a particular style and the user might want to override that and make some text not be underlined even though the style says otherwise.

sng (Text Underline Enum ( Single ))

Underline the text with a single line of normal thickness.

wavy (Text Underline Enum ( Wavy ))

Underline the text with a single wavy line of normal thickness.

wavyDbl (Text Underline Enum ( Double Wavy ))

Underline the text with two wavy lines of normal thickness.

wavyHeavy (Text Underline Enum ( Heavy Wavy ))

Underline the text with a single, thick wavy line.

words (Text Underline Enum ( Words ))

Underline just the words and not the spaces between them.


Referenced By

defRPr@u5.; endParaRPr@u5.; rPr@u5.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_TextUnderlineType">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="none"/>

   <enumeration value="words"/>

   <enumeration value="sng"/>

   <enumeration value="dbl"/>

   <enumeration value="heavy"/>

   <enumeration value="dotted"/>

   <enumeration value="dottedHeavy"/>

   <enumeration value="dash"/>

   <enumeration value="dashHeavy"/>

   <enumeration value="dashLong"/>

   <enumeration value="dashLongHeavy"/>

   <enumeration value="dotDash"/>

   <enumeration value="dotDashHeavy"/>

   <enumeration value="dotDotDash"/>

   <enumeration value="dotDotDashHeavy"/>

   <enumeration value="wavy"/>

   <enumeration value="wavyHeavy"/>

   <enumeration value="wavyDbl"/>

