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Error! No text of specified style in document.

ST_TextAlignType (Text Alignment Types)

This type specifies the text alignment types

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


ctr (Text Alignment Enum ( Center ))

Align text in the center.

dist (Text Alignment Enum ( Distributed ))

Distributes the text words across an entire text line.

just (Text Alignment Enum ( Justified ))

Align text so that it is justified across the whole line. It is smart in the sense that it will not justify sentences which are short.

justLow (Text Alignment Enum ( Justified Low ))

Aligns the text with an adjusted kashida length for Arabic text.

l (Text Alignment Enum ( Left ))

Align text to the left margin.

r (Text Alignment Enum ( Right ))

Align text to the right margin.

thaiDist (Text Alignment Enum ( Thai Distributed ))

Distributes Thai text specially, because each character is treated as a word.


Referenced By

defPPr@algn5.; lvl1pPr@algn5.; lvl2pPr@algn5.; lvl3pPr@algn5.; lvl4pPr@algn5.; lvl5pPr@algn5.; lvl6pPr@algn5.; lvl7pPr@algn5.; lvl8pPr@algn5.; lvl9pPr@algn5.; pPr@algn5.

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_TextAlignType">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="l"/>

   <enumeration value="ctr"/>

   <enumeration value="r"/>

   <enumeration value="just"/>

   <enumeration value="justLow"/>

   <enumeration value="dist"/>

   <enumeration value="thaiDist"/>

