[Table of Contents] [docx version]

Error! No text of specified style in document.

ST_PtType (Point Type)

This simple type defines the different point types which can be utilized to create diagrams in DiagramML.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


asst (Assistant Element)

This point type is used in a hierarchy diagram to represent an assistant element.

doc (Document)

This point type specifies a document type point. This point type can be thought of as the root node associated with the document itself.

node (Node)

The node point type specifies a basic point type.

parTrans (Parent Transition)

This point type specifies a parent transition element.

pres (Presentation)

Specifies a presentation point type.

sibTrans (Sibling Transition)

This point type specifies a sibling transition element.


Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_PtType">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="node"/>

   <enumeration value="asst"/>

   <enumeration value="doc"/>

   <enumeration value="pres"/>

   <enumeration value="parTrans"/>

   <enumeration value="sibTrans"/>

