[Table of Contents] [docx version]

Error! No text of specified style in document.

ST_PresetPatternVal (Preset Pattern Value)

This simple type indicates a preset type of pattern fill. The description of each value contains an illustration of the fill type.

[Note: These presets correspond to members of the HatchStyle enumeration in the Microsoft .NET Framework. A reference for this type may be found at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.drawing2d.hatchstyle.aspx. end note]

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


cross (Cross)


dashDnDiag (Dashed Downward Diagonal)


dashHorz (Dashed Horizontal)


dashUpDiag (Dashed Upward DIagonal)


dashVert (Dashed Vertical)


diagBrick (Diagonal Brick)


diagCross (Diagonal Cross)


divot (Divot)


dkDnDiag (Dark Downward Diagonal)


dkHorz (Dark Horizontal)


dkUpDiag (Dark Upward Diagonal)


dkVert (Dark Vertical)


dnDiag (Downward Diagonal)


dotDmnd (Dotted Diamond)


dotGrid (Dotted Grid)


horz (Horizontal)


horzBrick (Horizontal Brick)


lgCheck (Large Checker Board)


lgConfetti (Large Confetti)


lgGrid (Large Grid)


ltDnDiag (Light Downward Diagonal)


ltHorz (Light Horizontal)


ltUpDiag (Light Upward Diagonal)


ltVert (Light Vertical)


narHorz (Narrow Horizontal)


narVert (Narrow Vertical)


openDmnd (Open Diamond)


pct10 (10%)


pct20 (20%)


pct25 (25%)


pct30 (30%)


pct40 (40%)


pct5 (5%)


pct50 (50%)


pct60 (60%)


pct70 (70%)


pct75 (75%)


pct80 (80%)


pct90 (90%)


plaid (Plaid)


shingle (Shingle)


smCheck (Small Checker Board)


smConfetti (Small Confetti)


smGrid (Small Grid)


solidDmnd (Solid Diamond)


sphere (Sphere)


trellis (Trellis)


upDiag (Upward Diagonal)


vert (Vertical)


wave (Wave)


wdDnDiag (Wide Downward Diagonal)


wdUpDiag (Wide Upward Diagonal)


weave (Weave)


zigZag (Zig Zag)



Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_PresetPatternVal">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="pct5"/>

   <enumeration value="pct10"/>

   <enumeration value="pct20"/>

   <enumeration value="pct25"/>

   <enumeration value="pct30"/>

   <enumeration value="pct40"/>

   <enumeration value="pct50"/>

   <enumeration value="pct60"/>

   <enumeration value="pct70"/>

   <enumeration value="pct75"/>

   <enumeration value="pct80"/>

   <enumeration value="pct90"/>

   <enumeration value="horz"/>

   <enumeration value="vert"/>

   <enumeration value="ltHorz"/>

   <enumeration value="ltVert"/>

   <enumeration value="dkHorz"/>

   <enumeration value="dkVert"/>

   <enumeration value="narHorz"/>

   <enumeration value="narVert"/>

   <enumeration value="dashHorz"/>

   <enumeration value="dashVert"/>

   <enumeration value="cross"/>

   <enumeration value="dnDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="upDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="ltDnDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="ltUpDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="dkDnDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="dkUpDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="wdDnDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="wdUpDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="dashDnDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="dashUpDiag"/>

   <enumeration value="diagCross"/>

   <enumeration value="smCheck"/>

   <enumeration value="lgCheck"/>

   <enumeration value="smGrid"/>

   <enumeration value="lgGrid"/>

   <enumeration value="dotGrid"/>

   <enumeration value="smConfetti"/>

   <enumeration value="lgConfetti"/>

   <enumeration value="horzBrick"/>

   <enumeration value="diagBrick"/>

   <enumeration value="solidDmnd"/>

   <enumeration value="openDmnd"/>

   <enumeration value="dotDmnd"/>

   <enumeration value="plaid"/>

   <enumeration value="sphere"/>

   <enumeration value="weave"/>

   <enumeration value="divot"/>

   <enumeration value="shingle"/>

   <enumeration value="wave"/>

   <enumeration value="trellis"/>

   <enumeration value="zigZag"/>

