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ST_PresetPatternVal (Preset Pattern Value)
This simple type indicates a preset type of pattern fill. The description of each value contains an illustration of the fill type.
[Note: These presets correspond to members of the HatchStyle enumeration in the Microsoft .NET Framework. A reference for this type may be found at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.drawing2d.hatchstyle.aspx. end note]
This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.
The following are possible enumeration values for this type:
Enumeration Value |
Description |
cross (Cross) |
dashDnDiag (Dashed Downward Diagonal) |
dashHorz (Dashed Horizontal) |
dashUpDiag (Dashed Upward DIagonal) |
dashVert (Dashed Vertical) |
diagBrick (Diagonal Brick) |
diagCross (Diagonal Cross) |
divot (Divot) |
dkDnDiag (Dark Downward Diagonal) |
dkHorz (Dark Horizontal) |
dkUpDiag (Dark Upward Diagonal) |
dkVert (Dark Vertical) |
dnDiag (Downward Diagonal) |
dotDmnd (Dotted Diamond) |
dotGrid (Dotted Grid) |
horz (Horizontal) |
horzBrick (Horizontal Brick) |
lgCheck (Large Checker Board) |
lgConfetti (Large Confetti) |
lgGrid (Large Grid) |
ltDnDiag (Light Downward Diagonal) |
ltHorz (Light Horizontal) |
ltUpDiag (Light Upward Diagonal) |
ltVert (Light Vertical) |
narHorz (Narrow Horizontal) |
narVert (Narrow Vertical) |
openDmnd (Open Diamond) |
pct10 (10%) |
pct20 (20%) |
pct25 (25%) |
pct30 (30%) |
pct40 (40%) |
pct5 (5%) |
pct50 (50%) |
pct60 (60%) |
pct70 (70%) |
pct75 (75%) |
pct80 (80%) |
pct90 (90%) |
plaid (Plaid) |
shingle (Shingle) |
smCheck (Small Checker Board) |
smConfetti (Small Confetti) |
smGrid (Small Grid) |
solidDmnd (Solid Diamond) |
sphere (Sphere) |
trellis (Trellis) |
upDiag (Upward Diagonal) |
vert (Vertical) |
wave (Wave) |
wdDnDiag (Wide Downward Diagonal) |
wdUpDiag (Wide Upward Diagonal) |
weave (Weave) |
zigZag (Zig Zag) |
Referenced By |
pattFill@prst (§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:
<simpleType name="ST_PresetPatternVal">
<restriction base="xsd:token">
<enumeration value="pct5"/>
<enumeration value="pct10"/>
<enumeration value="pct20"/>
<enumeration value="pct25"/>
<enumeration value="pct30"/>
<enumeration value="pct40"/>
<enumeration value="pct50"/>
<enumeration value="pct60"/>
<enumeration value="pct70"/>
<enumeration value="pct75"/>
<enumeration value="pct80"/>
<enumeration value="pct90"/>
<enumeration value="horz"/>
<enumeration value="vert"/>
<enumeration value="ltHorz"/>
<enumeration value="ltVert"/>
<enumeration value="dkHorz"/>
<enumeration value="dkVert"/>
<enumeration value="narHorz"/>
<enumeration value="narVert"/>
<enumeration value="dashHorz"/>
<enumeration value="dashVert"/>
<enumeration value="cross"/>
<enumeration value="dnDiag"/>
<enumeration value="upDiag"/>
<enumeration value="ltDnDiag"/>
<enumeration value="ltUpDiag"/>
<enumeration value="dkDnDiag"/>
<enumeration value="dkUpDiag"/>
<enumeration value="wdDnDiag"/>
<enumeration value="wdUpDiag"/>
<enumeration value="dashDnDiag"/>
<enumeration value="dashUpDiag"/>
<enumeration value="diagCross"/>
<enumeration value="smCheck"/>
<enumeration value="lgCheck"/>
<enumeration value="smGrid"/>
<enumeration value="lgGrid"/>
<enumeration value="dotGrid"/>
<enumeration value="smConfetti"/>
<enumeration value="lgConfetti"/>
<enumeration value="horzBrick"/>
<enumeration value="diagBrick"/>
<enumeration value="solidDmnd"/>
<enumeration value="openDmnd"/>
<enumeration value="dotDmnd"/>
<enumeration value="plaid"/>
<enumeration value="sphere"/>
<enumeration value="weave"/>
<enumeration value="divot"/>
<enumeration value="shingle"/>
<enumeration value="wave"/>
<enumeration value="trellis"/>
<enumeration value="zigZag"/>