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ST_PresetCameraType (Preset Camera Type)

These enumeration values represent different algorithmic methods for setting all camera properties, including position. The following example images below are all based off the following shape:

In this image, we can see the shape has a camera pointing directly at the front face.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


isometricBottomDown (Isometric Bottom Down)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricBottomUp (Isometric Bottom Up)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricLeftDown (Isometric Left Down)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricLeftUp (Isometric Left Up)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis1Left (Isometric Off Axis 1 Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis1Right (Isometric Off Axis 1 Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis1Top (Isometric Off Axis 1 Top)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis2Left (Isometric Off Axis 2 Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis2Right (Isometric Off Axis 2 Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis2Top (Isometric Off Axis 2 Top)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis3Bottom (Isometric Off Axis 3 Bottom)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis3Left (Isometric Off Axis 3 Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis3Right (Isometric Off Axis 3 Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis4Bottom (Isometric Off Axis 4 Bottom)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis4Left (Isometric Off Axis 4 Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricOffAxis4Right (Isometric Off Axis 4 Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricRightDown (Isometric Right Down)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricRightUp (Isometric Right Up)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricTopDown (Isometric Top Down)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


isometricTopUp (Isometric Top Up)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueBottom (Legacy Oblique Bottom)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueBottomLeft (Legacy Oblique Bottom Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueBottomRight (Legacy Oblique Bottom Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueFront (Legacy Oblique Front)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueLeft (Legacy Oblique Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueRight (Legacy Oblique Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueTop (Legacy Oblique Top)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueTopLeft (Legacy Oblique Top Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyObliqueTopRight (Legacy Oblique Top Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveBottom (Legacy Perspective Bottom)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveBottomLeft (Legacy Perspective Bottom Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveBottomRight (Legacy Perspective Bottom Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveFront (Legacy Perspective Front)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveLeft (Legacy Perspective Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveRight (Legacy Perspective Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveTop (Legacy Perspective Top)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveTopLeft (Legacy Perspective Top Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


legacyPerspectiveTopRight (Legacy Perspective Top Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueBottom (Oblique Bottom)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueBottomLeft (Oblique Bottom Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueBottomRight (Oblique Bottom Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueLeft (Oblique Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueRight (Oblique Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueTop (Oblique Top)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueTopLeft (Oblique Top Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


obliqueTopRight (Oblique Top Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


orthographicFront (Orthographic Front)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveAbove (Orthographic Above)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveAboveLeftFacing (Perspective Above Left Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveAboveRightFacing (Perspective Above Right Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveBelow (Perspective Below)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveContrastingLeftFacing (Perspective Contrasting Left Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveContrastingRightFacing (Perspective Contrasting Right Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveFront (Perspective Front)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing (Perspective Heroic Extreme Left Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing (Perspective Heroic Extreme Right Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveHeroicLeftFacing (Perspective Heroic Left Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveHeroicRightFacing (Perspective Heroic Right Facing)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveLeft (Perspective Left)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveRelaxed (Perspective Relaxed)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveRelaxedModerately (Perspective Relaxed Moderately)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]


perspectiveRight (Perspective Right)

[Example: Consider the following example of the camera preset type:



end example]



Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_PresetCameraType">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueTopLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueTop"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueTopRight"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueFront"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueRight"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueBottomLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueBottom"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyObliqueBottomRight"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveTopLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveTop"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveTopRight"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveFront"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveRight"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveBottomLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveBottom"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPerspectiveBottomRight"/>

   <enumeration value="orthographicFront"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricTopUp"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricTopDown"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricBottomUp"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricBottomDown"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricLeftUp"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricLeftDown"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricRightUp"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricRightDown"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis1Left"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis1Right"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis1Top"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis2Left"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis2Right"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis2Top"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis3Left"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis3Right"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis3Bottom"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis4Left"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis4Right"/>

   <enumeration value="isometricOffAxis4Bottom"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueTopLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueTop"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueTopRight"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueRight"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueBottomLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueBottom"/>

   <enumeration value="obliqueBottomRight"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveFront"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveLeft"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveRight"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveAbove"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveBelow"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveAboveLeftFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveAboveRightFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveContrastingLeftFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveContrastingRightFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveHeroicLeftFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveHeroicRightFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveHeroicExtremeLeftFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveHeroicExtremeRightFacing"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveRelaxed"/>

   <enumeration value="perspectiveRelaxedModerately"/>

