[Table of Contents] [docx version]

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ST_ParameterVal (Parameter Values)

Specifies the list of parameter types that can be used by a diagram.

This simple type is defined as a union of the following types:

TheST_HorizontalAlignment simple type (§

TheST_VerticalAlignment simple type (§

TheST_ChildDirection simple type (§

TheST_ChildAlignment simple type (§

TheST_SecondaryChildAlignment simple type (§

TheST_LinearDirection simple type (§

TheST_SecondaryLinearDirection simple type (§

TheST_StartingElement simple type (§

TheST_BendPoint simple type (§

TheST_ConnectorRouting simple type (§

TheST_ArrowheadStyle simple type (§

TheST_ConnectorDimension simple type (§

TheST_RotationPath simple type (§

TheST_CenterShapeMapping simple type (§

TheST_NodeHorizontalAlignment simple type (§

TheST_NodeVerticalAlignment simple type (§

TheST_FallbackDimension simple type (§

TheST_TextDirection simple type (§

TheST_PyramidAccentPosition simple type (§

TheST_PyramidAccentTextMargin simple type (§

TheST_TextBlockDirection simple type (§

TheST_TextAnchorHorizontal simple type (§

TheST_TextAnchorVertical simple type (§

TheST_TextAlignment simple type (§

TheST_AutoTextRotation simple type (§

TheST_GrowDirection simple type (§

TheST_FlowDirection simple type (§

TheST_ContinueDirection simple type (§

TheST_Breakpoint simple type (§

TheST_Offset simple type (§

TheST_HierarchyAlignment simple type (§

TheXML Schema int datatype.

TheXML Schema double datatype.

TheXML Schema boolean datatype.

TheXML Schema string datatype.

TheST_ConnectorPoint simple type (§

Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_ParameterVal">

   <union memberTypes="ST_HorizontalAlignment ST_VerticalAlignment ST_ChildDirection ST_ChildAlignment ST_SecondaryChildAlignment ST_LinearDirection ST_SecondaryLinearDirection ST_StartingElement ST_BendPoint ST_ConnectorRouting ST_ArrowheadStyle ST_ConnectorDimension ST_RotationPath ST_CenterShapeMapping ST_NodeHorizontalAlignment ST_NodeVerticalAlignment ST_FallbackDimension ST_TextDirection ST_PyramidAccentPosition ST_PyramidAccentTextMargin ST_TextBlockDirection ST_TextAnchorHorizontal ST_TextAnchorVertical ST_TextAlignment ST_AutoTextRotation ST_GrowDirection ST_FlowDirection ST_ContinueDirection ST_Breakpoint ST_Offset ST_HierarchyAlignment xsd:int xsd:double xsd:boolean xsd:string ST_ConnectorPoint"/>
