[Table of Contents] [docx version]

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ST_HierarchyAlignment (Hierarchy Alignment)

This simple type defines different relative locations of child nodes and their descendants to a parent node within a hierarchy diagram.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


bCtrCh (Bottom Center Child)

Specifies the child nodes are placed below the parent node and that they are center aligned to the parent node.

bCtrDes (Bottom Center Descendant)

Specifies the descendant nodes are placed below the parent node and that they are center aligned to the parent node.

bL (Bottom Left)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed below the parent node and that the set is left aligned.

bR (Bottom Right)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed below the parent node and the set is right aligned.

lB (Left Bottom)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed to the left of the parent node and that the set is bottom aligned.

lCtrCh (Left Center Child)

Specifies the child nodes are placed to the left of the parent node and that the set is center aligned.

lCtrDes (Left Center Descendant)

Specifies the descendant nodes are placed to the left of the parent node and that the set is center aligned.

lT (Left Top)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed to the left of the parent node and that the set is top aligned.

rB (Right Bottom)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed to the right of the parent node and that the set is bottom aligned.

rCtrCh (Right Center Children)

Specifies the child nodes are placed to the right of the parent node and that the set is center aligned.

rCtrDes (Right Center Descendants)

Specifies the descendant nodes are placed to the right of the parent node and that the set is center aligned.

rT (Right Top)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed to the right of the parent node and that the set is top aligned.

tCtrCh (Top Center Children)

Specifies the child nodes are placed above the parent node and that the set is center aligned.

tCtrDes (Top Center Descendants)

Specifies the descendant nodes are placed above the parent node and that the set is center aligned.

tL (Top Left)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed above the parent node and that the set is left aligned.

tR (Top Right)

Specifies the child and descendant nodes are placed above the parent node and that the set is right aligned.


Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_HierarchyAlignment" final="restriction">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="tL"/>

   <enumeration value="tR"/>

   <enumeration value="tCtrCh"/>

   <enumeration value="tCtrDes"/>

   <enumeration value="bL"/>

   <enumeration value="bR"/>

   <enumeration value="bCtrCh"/>

   <enumeration value="bCtrDes"/>

   <enumeration value="lT"/>

   <enumeration value="lB"/>

   <enumeration value="lCtrCh"/>

   <enumeration value="lCtrDes"/>

   <enumeration value="rT"/>

   <enumeration value="rB"/>

   <enumeration value="rCtrCh"/>

   <enumeration value="rCtrDes"/>

