[Table of Contents] [docx version]

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ST_ConstraintType (Constraint Type)

This simple type defines the list of possible constraints available for use.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


alignOff (Alignment Offset)

This value defines the alignment offset for a node.

b (Bottom)

The bottom of the node.

begMarg (Beginning Margin)

Specifies the beginning margin.

begPad (Beginning Padding)

Specifies the beginning padding.

bendDist (Bending Distance)

Specifies the distance from the start of a connector to a bend in the connector.

bMarg (Bottom Margin)

Specifies the bottom margin.

bOff (Bottom Offset)

Specifies the bottom offset.

connDist (Connection Distance)

Specifies the connection distance.

ctrX (Center Height)

Specifies the center of the height.

ctrXOff (Center X Offset)

Specifies the center x coordinate offset.

ctrY (Center Width)

Specifies the center of the width.

ctrYOff (Center Y Offset)

Specifies the center y coordinate offset.

diam (Diameter)

Specifies the diameter.

endMarg (End Margin)

Specifies the ending margin.

endPad (End Padding)

Specifies the end padding.

h (Height)

Specifies the height.

hArH (Arrowhead Height)

Specifies the height of the arrowhead portion of the connector.

hOff (Height Offset)

Specifies the amount to offset the height.

l (Left)

Specifies the left constraint.

lMarg (Left Margin)

Specifies the left margin.

lOff (Left Offset)

Specifies the left offset.

none (Unknown)

Unknown constraint.

primFontSz (Primary Font Size)

The primary font size.

pyraAcctRatio (Pyramid Accent Ratio)

Specifies the fraction of the width of the diagram that is reserved for the fly outs at their shortest distance.

r (Right)

Specifies the right constraint.

rMarg (Right Margin)

Specifies the right margin constraint.

rOff (Right Offset)

Specifies the right offset constraint.

secFontSz (Secondary Font Size)

The secondary font size.

secSibSp (Secondary Sibling Spacing)

The secondary sibling spacing.

sibSp (Sibling Spacing)

Specifies the minimum distance between sibling shapes.

sp (Spacing)

Specifies the spacing defined.

stemThick (Stem Thickness)

Specifies the thickness of the arrow’s shaft.

t (Top)

Specifies the top constraint.

tMarg (Top Margin)

Top margin constraint.

tOff (Top Offset)

Top offset constraint.

userA (User Defined A)

User defined information.

userB (User Defined B)

User defined information.

userC (User Defined C)

User defined information.

userD (User Defined D)

User defined information.

userE (User Defined E)

User defined information.

userF (User Defined F)

User defined information.

userG (User Defined G)

User defined information.

userH (User Defined H)

User defined information.

userI (User Defined I)

User defined information.

userJ (User Defined J)

User defined information.

userK (User Defined K)

User defined information.

userL (User Defined L)

User defined information.

userM (User Defined M)

User defined information.

userN (User Defined N)

User defined information.

userO (User Defined O)

User defined information.

userP (User Defined P)

User defined information.

userQ (User Defined Q)

User defined information.

userR (User Defined R)

User defined information.

userS (User Defined S)

User defined information.

userT (User Defined T)

User defined information.

userU (User Defined U)

User defined information.

userV (User Defined V)

User defined information.

userW (User Defined W)

User defined information.

userX (User Defined X)

User defined information.

userY (User Defined Y)

User defined information.

userZ (User Defined Z)

User defined information.

w (Width)

The width parameter.

wArH (Arrowhead Width)

Specifies the width of the arrowhead portion of the connector.

wOff (Width Offset)

Offsets the width by the specified amount.


Referenced By

constr@refType5.9.2.8); constr@type5.9.2.8); rule@type5.9.2.24)

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_ConstraintType" final="restriction">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="none"/>

   <enumeration value="alignOff"/>

   <enumeration value="begMarg"/>

   <enumeration value="bendDist"/>

   <enumeration value="begPad"/>

   <enumeration value="b"/>

   <enumeration value="bMarg"/>

   <enumeration value="bOff"/>

   <enumeration value="ctrX"/>

   <enumeration value="ctrXOff"/>

   <enumeration value="ctrY"/>

   <enumeration value="ctrYOff"/>

   <enumeration value="connDist"/>

   <enumeration value="diam"/>

   <enumeration value="endMarg"/>

   <enumeration value="endPad"/>

   <enumeration value="h"/>

   <enumeration value="hArH"/>

   <enumeration value="hOff"/>

   <enumeration value="l"/>

   <enumeration value="lMarg"/>

   <enumeration value="lOff"/>

   <enumeration value="r"/>

   <enumeration value="rMarg"/>

   <enumeration value="rOff"/>

   <enumeration value="primFontSz"/>

   <enumeration value="pyraAcctRatio"/>

   <enumeration value="secFontSz"/>

   <enumeration value="sibSp"/>

   <enumeration value="secSibSp"/>

   <enumeration value="sp"/>

   <enumeration value="stemThick"/>

   <enumeration value="t"/>

   <enumeration value="tMarg"/>

   <enumeration value="tOff"/>

   <enumeration value="userA"/>

   <enumeration value="userB"/>

   <enumeration value="userC"/>

   <enumeration value="userD"/>

   <enumeration value="userE"/>

   <enumeration value="userF"/>

   <enumeration value="userG"/>

   <enumeration value="userH"/>

   <enumeration value="userI"/>

   <enumeration value="userJ"/>

   <enumeration value="userK"/>

   <enumeration value="userL"/>

   <enumeration value="userM"/>

   <enumeration value="userN"/>

   <enumeration value="userO"/>

   <enumeration value="userP"/>

   <enumeration value="userQ"/>

   <enumeration value="userR"/>

   <enumeration value="userS"/>

   <enumeration value="userT"/>

   <enumeration value="userU"/>

   <enumeration value="userV"/>

   <enumeration value="userW"/>

   <enumeration value="userX"/>

   <enumeration value="userY"/>

   <enumeration value="userZ"/>

   <enumeration value="w"/>

   <enumeration value="wArH"/>

   <enumeration value="wOff"/>

