[Table of Contents] [docx version]

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ST_AxisType (Axis Type)

This simple type defines different node sets in relation to the current context node.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


ancst (Ancestor)

Specifies a set of nodes between the current context node and the root node, including the root node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

ancstOrSelf (Ancestor or Self)

Specifies a set of nodes between the current context node and the root node, including the root node and the context node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

ch (Child)

Specifies a set of children of the current context node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

des (Descendant)

Specifies a set of all nodes beneath the current context node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

desOrSelf (Descendant or Self)

Specifies a set of all nodes beneath the current context node, including the context node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

follow (Follow)

Specifies the set of nodes which are peers after the context node and all descendants of the peers.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

followSib (Follow Sibling)

Specifies the set of nodes which are peers after the context node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

none (None)

Specifies no node.

par (Parent)

Specifies the parent node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

preced (Preceding)

Specifies the set of nodes which are peers before the context node and all the descendants of the peers.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

precedSib (Preceding Sibling)

Specifies the set of nodes which are peers before the context node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

root (Root)

Specifies the top-most node of the diagram.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]

self (Self)

Specifies the calling context node.


[Example: Consider the following example

end example]


Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_AxisType" final="restriction">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="self"/>

   <enumeration value="ch"/>

   <enumeration value="des"/>

   <enumeration value="desOrSelf"/>

   <enumeration value="par"/>

   <enumeration value="ancst"/>

   <enumeration value="ancstOrSelf"/>

   <enumeration value="followSib"/>

   <enumeration value="precedSib"/>

   <enumeration value="follow"/>

   <enumeration value="preced"/>

   <enumeration value="root"/>

   <enumeration value="none"/>

