[Table of Contents] [docx version]
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ST_AdjCoordinate (Adjustable Coordinate Methods)
This simple type is an adjustable coordinate is either an absolute coordinate position or a reference to a geometry guide.
This simple type is defined as a union of the following types:
• TheST_Coordinate simple type (§
• TheST_GeomGuideName simple type (§
Referenced By |
ahPolar@maxR (§; ahPolar@minR (§; ahXY@maxX (§; ahXY@maxY (§; ahXY@minX (§; ahXY@minY (§; arcTo@hR (§; arcTo@wR (§; pos@x (§; pos@y (§; pt@x (§; pt@y (§; rect@b (§; rect@l (§; rect@r (§; rect@t (§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:
<simpleType name="ST_AdjCoordinate">
<union memberTypes="ST_Coordinate ST_GeomGuideName"/>