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WordprocessingML Reference Material - Table of Contents

storeMappedDataAs (Custom XML Data Date Storage Format)

This element specifies the translation which shall be performed on the displayed date in a date picker structured document tag when the current contents are saved into the associated custom XML data via the dataBinding element (§

If this element is omitted, then the value of the associated custom XML element shall be placed into the custom XML data part with no translation.

[Example: Consider the following date picker structured document tag:

<w:date w:fullDate="01-01-2006T06:30:00Z">
<w:storeMappedDateAs w:val="text"/>

<w:t>January 1</w:t>

The value of the storeMappedDateAs element's attribute value is text, therefore the current run contents shall be sent to the mapped XML element without any translation (in this case, the value shall be January 1). end example]

Parent Elements





val (Date Storage Type)

Specifies the type of date translation which shall be applied to the parent date picker structured document tag.


If this attribute is omitted, this its value shall be assumed to be text.


[Example: Consider the following date picker structured document tag:


<w:date … >
<w:storeMappedDateAs w:val="date"/>

<w:t>January 1</w:t>


The value of the val attribute is text, therefore the current run contents shall be sent to the mapped XML element after being translated into xsd:date format (in this case, the value shall be 01-01-2006). end example]


The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_SdtDateMappingType simple type2.18.83).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_SdtDateMappingType">

   <attribute name="val" type="ST_SdtDateMappingType"/>
