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WordprocessingML Reference Material - Table of Contents

doNotHyphenateCaps (Do Not Hyphenate Words in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS)

This element specifies whether or not words comprised of all capital letters shall be hyphenated within a given document when automatic hyphenation is specified via the autoHyphenation element (§

If this element is omitted, then words in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS shall be hyphenated when the document is hyphenated.

[Example: Consider a document which is automatically hyphenated containing the following paragraph of content:

If words in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS shall not be hyphenated, this requirement would be specified by adding the following WordprocessingML to the document settings part:

<w:doNotHyphenateCaps w:val="true"/>

The resulting content would not be hyphenated:

The doNotHyphenateCaps element val set to true, specifying that the first line of text to end with the word SHORT as the word HYPHENATION had to be moved to the second line since it could not fit in its entirety on the first line.

Conversely, setting the doNotHyphenateCaps element val set to off (the default) caused the first line of text to contain a hyphenated portion of the word HYPHENATION as hyphenation of words comprised of all capital letters is permitted. end example]

Parent Elements





val (On/Off Value)

Specifies a binary value for the property defined by the parent XML element.


A value of on, 1, or true specifies that the property shall be explicitly applied. This is the default value for this attribute, and is implied when the parent element is present, but this attribute is omitted.


A value of off, 0, or false specifies that the property shall be explicitly turned off.


[Example: For example, consider the following on/off property:


<w:… w:val="off"/>


The val attribute explicitly declares that the property is turned off. end example]


The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_OnOff simple type2.18.67).

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_OnOff">

   <attribute name="val" type="ST_OnOff"/>
