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WordprocessingML Reference Material - Table of Contents
This simple type specifies that its contents will contain a string. The contents of this string are interpreted based on the context of the parent XML element.
[Example: Consider the following WordprocessingML fragment:
<w:pStyle w:val="heading1" />
The value of the val attribute is the ID of the associated paragraph style's styleId. However, consider the following fragment:
<w:alias w:val="SDT Title Example" />
In this case, the decimal number in the val attribute is the caption of the parent structured document tag. In each case, the value is of type ST_String, and therefore must be interpreted in the context of the parent element. end example]
This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema string datatype.
Referenced By |
activeWritingStyle@appName (§; addressFieldName@val (§2.14.3); alias@val (§; aliases@val (§; altName@val (§; attachedSchema@val (§; attr@name (§; attr@name (§; attr@uri (§; attr@uri (§; attr@val (§; attr@val (§; autoCaption@caption (§; autoCaption@name (§; basedOn@val (§; bookmarkStart@name (§; caption@name (§; cellDel@author (§; cellIns@author (§; cellMerge@author (§; clickAndTypeStyle@val (§; comboBox@lastValue (§; comment@author (§; comment@initials (§; connectString@val (§2.14.8); control@name (§; control@name (§; control@shapeid (§; control@shapeid (§; customXml@element (§; customXml@element (§; customXml@element (§; customXml@element (§; customXml@uri (§; customXml@uri (§; customXml@uri (§; customXml@uri (§; customXmlDelRangeStart@author (§; customXmlInsRangeStart@author (§; customXmlMoveFromRangeStart@author (§; customXmlMoveToRangeStart@author (§; dataBinding@prefixMappings (§; dataBinding@storeItemID (§; dataBinding@xpath (§; dateFormat@val (§; decimalSymbol@val (§; default@val (§2.16.10); defaultTableStyle@val (§; del@author (§; del@author (§; del@author (§; del@author (§; description@val (§2.12.4); docPart@val (§; docPartCategory@val (§; docPartGallery@val (§; documentProtection@algIdExtSource (§; documentProtection@cryptProvider (§; documentProtection@cryptProviderTypeExtSource (§; docVar@name (§; docVar@val (§; dropDownList@lastValue (§; encoding@val (§; fldSimple@instr (§2.16.21); font@name (§; format@val (§2.16.22); hyperlink@anchor (§2.16.24); hyperlink@docLocation (§2.16.24); hyperlink@tgtFrame (§2.16.24); hyperlink@tooltip (§2.16.24); ins@author (§; ins@author (§; ins@author (§; ins@author (§; ins@author (§; link@val (§; listEntry@val (§2.16.26); listItem@displayText (§; listItem@displayText (§; listItem@value (§; listItem@value (§; listSeparator@val (§; lsdException@name (§; lvlText@val (§2.9.12); mailSubject@val (§2.14.21); mappedName@val (§2.14.23); moveFrom@author (§; moveFrom@author (§; moveFromRangeStart@author (§; moveFromRangeStart@name (§; moveTo@author (§; moveTo@author (§; moveToRangeStart@author (§; moveToRangeStart@name (§; name@val (§2.12.13); name@val (§; name@val (§2.9.14); name@val (§2.14.24); name@val (§; name@val (§2.12.12); next@val (§; noLineBreaksAfter@val (§; noLineBreaksBefore@val (§; numberingChange@author (§; numberingChange@author (§; numberingChange@original (§; numberingChange@original (§; numStyleLink@val (§2.9.22); permEnd@id (§; permStart@ed (§; permStart@id (§; placeholder@val (§; pPrChange@author (§; pStyle@val (§; pStyle@val (§2.9.25); query@val (§2.14.26); rFonts@ascii (§; rFonts@cs (§; rFonts@eastAsia (§; rFonts@hAnsi (§; rPrChange@author (§; rPrChange@author (§; rStyle@val (§; saveThroughXslt@solutionID (§; sectPrChange@author (§; smartTag@element (§; smartTag@uri (§; smartTagType@name (§; smartTagType@namespaceuri (§; smartTagType@url (§; ST_Lang (§2.18.51); style@styleId (§; style@val (§2.12.14); styleLink@val (§2.9.29); sym@font (§; sz@val (§; sz@val (§; table@val (§2.14.31); tag@val (§; tblPrChange@author (§; tblPrExChange@author (§; tblStyle@val (§2.4.59); tcPrChange@author (§; trPrChange@author (§; udl@val (§2.14.34); writeProtection@algIdExtSource (§; writeProtection@cryptProvider (§; writeProtection@cryptProviderTypeExtSource (§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:
<simpleType name="ST_String">
<restriction base="xsd:string"/>