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WordprocessingML Reference Material - Table of Contents



COMPARE Expression-1 Operator Expression-2



Description: Compares the values designated by Expression-1 and Expression-2 using the operator designated by Operator. [Note: This field can be used to create compound logical comparisons with AND and OR functions in a formula, and then by using the result of the formula in an IF field. end note]

Operator can be any one of the six relational and equality operators specified for operator (§

If Operator is = or <>, Expression-2 can contain a question mark (?) to represent any single character, or an asterisk (*) to represent any string of characters. The expression shall be enclosed in quotation marks so that it is compared as a character string. If an asterisk is used in Expression-2, the portion of Expression-1 that corresponds to the asterisk, plus any remaining characters in Expression-2, shall NOT exceed 128 characters.

Field Value: 1 if the comparison is true, or 0 if the comparison is false.

Switches: None.

[Example: Consider the case in which the IF field in the following example is inserted into a mail merge main document. The COMPARE fields examine the data fields CustomerNumber and CustomerRating as each data record is merged. The OR function of the formula returns the value 1 if at least one of the data fields indicates poor credit, in which case the first text in quotation marks is printed:

{ IF { = OR ( { COMPARE { MERGEFIELD CustomerNumber } >= 4 },
{ COMPARE { MERGEFIELD CustomerRating } <= 9 } ) } = 1
"Credit not acceptable" "Credit acceptable"}

The following COMPARE field results in the value 1 if any value in the PostalCode data field is the range 98500–98599:

{ COMPARE "{ MERGEFIELD PostalCode }" = "985*" }

end example]