[Table of Contents] [docx version]

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absSizeAnchor (Absolute Anchor Shape Size)

This element specifies that the shape described here to reside within a chart should be sized based on relative anchor points. This is achieved via two elements. The from element specifies the top left corner of the shape bounding box in a RTL(right-to-left) implementation. The ext element then specifies the bottom right corner of the shape bounding box in a RTL(right-to-left) implementation and thus the size of the shape.

Parent Elements



Child Elements


cxnSp (Connection Shape)


ext (Shape Extent)


from (Starting Anchor Point)


graphicFrame (Graphic Frame)


grpSp (Group Shape)


pic (Picture)


sp (Shape)


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this element:

<complexType name="CT_AbsSizeAnchor">


   <element name="from" type="CT_Marker"/>

   <element name="ext" type="a:CT_PositiveSize2D"/>

   <group ref="EG_ObjectChoices"/>

