[Table of Contents] [docx version]

Error! No text of specified style in document.

ST_SchemeColorVal (Scheme Color)

This simple type represents a scheme color value.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


accent1 (Accent Color 1)

Extra scheme color 1

accent2 (Accent Color 2)

Extra scheme color 2

accent3 (Accent Color 3)

Extra scheme color 3

accent4 (Accent Color 4)

Extra scheme color 4

accent5 (Accent Color 5)

Extra scheme color 5

accent6 (Accent Color 6)

Extra scheme color 6

bg1 (Background Color 1)

Semantic background color

bg2 (Background Color 2)

Semantic additional background color

dk1 (Dark Color 1)

Main dark color 1

dk2 (Dark Color 2)

Main dark color 2

folHlink (Followed Hyperlink Color)

Followed Hyperlink Color

hlink (Hyperlink Color)

Regular Hyperlink Color

lt1 (Light Color 1)

Main Light Color 1

lt2 (Light Color 2)

Main Light Color 2

phClr (Style Color)

A color used in theme definitions which means to use the color of the style.

tx1 (Text Color 1)

Semantic text color

tx2 (Text Color 2)

Semantic additional text color


Referenced By


The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_SchemeColorVal">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="bg1"/>

   <enumeration value="tx1"/>

   <enumeration value="bg2"/>

   <enumeration value="tx2"/>

   <enumeration value="accent1"/>

   <enumeration value="accent2"/>

   <enumeration value="accent3"/>

   <enumeration value="accent4"/>

   <enumeration value="accent5"/>

   <enumeration value="accent6"/>

   <enumeration value="hlink"/>

   <enumeration value="folHlink"/>

   <enumeration value="phClr"/>

   <enumeration value="dk1"/>

   <enumeration value="lt1"/>

   <enumeration value="dk2"/>

   <enumeration value="lt2"/>

