[Table of Contents] [docx version]

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ST_PresetMaterialType (Preset Material Type)

Describes surface appearance of a shape. The material type combines with lighting characteristics to create the final look and feel of a shape. The following properties were used to define the shape used in the image examples below:

Rounded rectangle shape

Circle bevel type

Three Point light rig type

Camera type defined by the perspectiveContrastingRightFacing preset

Bevel width and height each equal to 190500

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


clear (Clear)

[Example: Consider the following example of the clear material type:



end example]


dkEdge (Dark Edge)

[Example: Consider the following example of the dkEdge material type:



end example]


flat (Flat)

[Example: Consider the following example of the flat material type:



end example]


legacyMatte (Legacy Matte)

[Example: Consider the following example of the legacyMatte material type:



end example]


legacyMetal (Legacy Metal)

[Example: Consider the following example of the legacyMetal material type:



end example]


legacyPlastic (Legacy Plastic)

[Example: Consider the following example of the legacyPlastic material type:



end example]


legacyWireframe (Legacy Wireframe)

[Example: Consider the following example of the legacyWireframe material type:



end example]


matte (Matte)

[Example: Consider the following example of the matte material type:



end example]


metal (Metal)

[Example: Consider the following example of the warmMatte material type:



end example]


plastic (Plastic)

[Example: Consider the following example of the warmMatte material type:



end example]


powder (Powder)

[Example: Consider the following example of the warmMatte material type:



end example]


softEdge (Soft Edge)

[Example: Consider the following example of the warmMatte material type:



end example]


softmetal (Soft Metal)

[Example: Consider the following example of the softmetal material type:



end example]


translucentPowder (Translucent Powder)

[Example: Consider the following example of the warmMatte material type:



end example]


warmMatte (Warm Matte)

[Example: Consider the following example of the warmMatte material type:



end example]



Referenced By

cell3D@prstMaterial5.1.6.1); sp3d@prstMaterial5.1.7.12); sp3d@prstMaterial5.9.5.6)

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_PresetMaterialType">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="legacyMatte"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyPlastic"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyMetal"/>

   <enumeration value="legacyWireframe"/>

   <enumeration value="matte"/>

   <enumeration value="plastic"/>

   <enumeration value="metal"/>

   <enumeration value="warmMatte"/>

   <enumeration value="translucentPowder"/>

   <enumeration value="powder"/>

   <enumeration value="dkEdge"/>

   <enumeration value="softEdge"/>

   <enumeration value="clear"/>

   <enumeration value="flat"/>

   <enumeration value="softmetal"/>

