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Error! No text of specified style in document.
This simple type represents a percentage in 1000ths of a percent, e.g., a value of 1 represents 0.001% == 0.00001; a value of 100000 is equal to 100%. Percentages have no intrinsic units, but are used to scale other values with units.
This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema int datatype.
Referenced By |
blue@val (§; blueMod@val (§; blueOff@val (§; by@x (§4.6.20); by@y (§4.6.20); cTn@spd (§4.6.33); defRPr@baseline (§; endParaRPr@baseline (§; fillRect@b (§; fillRect@l (§; fillRect@r (§; fillRect@t (§; fillToRect@b (§; fillToRect@l (§; fillToRect@r (§; fillToRect@t (§; from@x (§4.6.43); from@y (§4.6.43); green@val (§; greenMod@val (§; greenOff@val (§; hslClr@lum (§; hslClr@sat (§; lum@val (§; lumMod@val (§; lumOff@val (§; outerShdw@sx (§; outerShdw@sy (§; presentation@serverZoom (§; rCtr@x (§4.6.62); rCtr@y (§4.6.62); red@val (§; redMod@val (§; redOff@val (§; reflection@sx (§; reflection@sy (§; relOff@tx (§; relOff@ty (§; rPr@baseline (§; sat@val (§; satMod@val (§; satOff@val (§; scrgbClr@b (§; scrgbClr@g (§; scrgbClr@r (§; srcRect@b (§; srcRect@l (§; srcRect@r (§; srcRect@t (§; ST_FixedPercentage (§; ST_PositiveFixedPercentage (§; ST_PositivePercentage (§; ST_TextBulletSizePercent (§; ST_TextFontScalePercent (§; ST_TextSpacingPercent (§; tile@sx (§; tile@sy (§; tileRect@b (§; tileRect@l (§; tileRect@r (§; tileRect@t (§; to@x (§4.6.88); to@y (§4.6.88); xfrm@sx (§; xfrm@sy (§ |
The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:
<simpleType name="ST_Percentage">
<restriction base="xsd:int"/>