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ST_BevelPresetType (Bevel Presets)

Represents a preset for a type of bevel which can be applied to a shape in 3D. The bevel properties are applied differently depending on the type of bevel defined for a shape.

This simple type's contents are a restriction of the XML Schema token datatype.

The following are possible enumeration values for this type:

Enumeration Value


angle (Angle)

[Example: Consider the following example of an angle bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]

artDeco (Art Deco)

[Example: Consider the following example of an artDeco bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]

circle (Circle)

[Example: Consider the following example of an circle bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


convex (Convex)

[Example: Consider the following example of an convex bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


coolSlant (Cool Slant)

[Example: Consider the following example of an coolSlant bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


cross (Cross)

[Example: Consider the following example of an cross bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


divot (Divot)

[Example: Consider the following example of an divot bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


hardEdge (Hard Edge)

[Example: Consider the following example of an hardEdge bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


relaxedInset (Relaxed Inset)

[Example: Consider the following example of an relaxedInset bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


riblet (Riblet)

[Example: Consider the following example of an riblet bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


slope (Slope)

[Example: Consider the following example of an slope bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]


softRound (Soft Round)

[Example: Consider the following example of an softRound bevel type applied to a shape:



end example]



Referenced By

bevel@prst5.; bevelB@prst5.1.7.3); bevelT@prst5.1.7.4)

The following XML Schema fragment defines the contents of this simple type:

<simpleType name="ST_BevelPresetType">

   <restriction base="xsd:token">

   <enumeration value="relaxedInset"/>

   <enumeration value="circle"/>

   <enumeration value="slope"/>

   <enumeration value="cross"/>

   <enumeration value="angle"/>

   <enumeration value="softRound"/>

   <enumeration value="convex"/>

   <enumeration value="coolSlant"/>

   <enumeration value="divot"/>

   <enumeration value="riblet"/>

   <enumeration value="hardEdge"/>

   <enumeration value="artDeco"/>

